I saw a trailer for this a couple of weeks ago & thought well maybe this is the Affleck film that disproves my theory, so cross everything for me. A mind bending twisty film. Lets just hope its not cliché & to weird for its own good.
There were a few people in my cinema considering this hasnt been the best advertised film in the world on a wednesday at 6pm. Mainly millennials like me who have grown up with this as our favourite genre. But id say maybe 15 other people in the screening with me.
Trailers, I actually remembered & watched them because it started with Indi & i wen ooooh MADS! (im going to be insufferable when it comes out sorry peoples) then it was Barbie, Oppenheimer, MI7 & The Ballard of Songbirds & Snakes. See when you start with something i really want to see i pay attention.
& then the film started… & unfortunately my point was made once again… arghhhhhhhh
It got lost in its own twists & its self important self. It is not 2012 when every film is trying to be an inception copy cat anymore & not living up to it. No it needed to stand on its own to feet. & when it did try to copy the greatest film ever made, it did it poorly & it just felt so awkward. There are much better copys of this world not being what it seems film that this.
It doesnt hit the drama levels it requires to make it well written or engaging, it misses the mark so many times, that by the time we get to the showdown at the end of act 3, i really didnt actually care anymore. I wasnt bothered about the kid, or the hypnotics or anyone else, it was just urgh & it wasnt needed & i felt shallow.
The supporting cast were not good (was that the guy from district 11 in the hunger games? im sure it was) but none of them worked & im sorry but Ben Affleck you have once again proved my point. Please write & direct, do not act in other peoples films. See Gone Girl is the exception. It really is & im waiting for something else but no he just keeps mucking up & it angers me. Arghhhhh.
The films opening of the bank heist that isnt a heist if you get me (it shows it in the trailer) is the films high point. Once we leave that place everything fails around it. Its not well written, the CGI isnt good, the story is poor & i just dont actually care for anyone once they are on the run. Even with the twists & reveals going down its just like urgh. Movie get a grip.
& then the finale, slightly delivers, but im past the point of caring now. & then it sets itself up for a sequel….HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT IS NOT HAPPENING!!! We are more likely to get a Robin Hood Sequel (which we so arent & im so gutted about that). I love the faith this movie had in itself to deliver & for it to find an audience.
Maybe it was my movie brain that meant i worked stuff out far to early on, but it just because really boring & predictable for me. Im sure someone will absolutely adore it & find one hell of an adventure with it but no not me. Yea theres a reason this hasnt been advertised & promoted.