Part two of mondays double bubble from one extreme to the other. Theres going to be a lot of this during oscar season im sure of it. (really should be counting how many times ive said oscar season already). Time to go watch these strippers & see what its all about (not in that way).
So i hopped into screen 7 for this mainly women in the cinema, not many guys in there which was good felt liberating that it wasnt just me & load of guys luring over women that was nice.
Didnt appreciate that adverts went from 8:55 to 9:20 & then 10mins of trailers that was not cool especially in a screen where theres no signal to tell people your going to be home even later. Trailers we had Knives Out (yes) Rise of SkyWalker (yes) Gemini man (yes) Charlie’s Angels (yes) & for the second time Joker. Yep you wait all year to see the trailer in the cinema & you get it twice in the same day. Just waiting for dad to say when he wants to see it.
& then the film started… & lets just say that it was more than just a movie about stripping.
There has been a lot of talk about Jennifer Lopez performance in this film & how it will live long in the memory & how this is her best opportunity to get an oscar nomination… Shes getting one bitches even if i have to spam everyone on the oscar council to make sure shes included on the list. She can lose thats fine, but it is some performance at every single level. It makes the rest of the cast no matter who they are just feel like they are walking in her shadow. It is worth seeing this film for Jennifer alone.
The story was okay, i like the fact it was recounted & kinda told as a flash back when you didnt really notice it at first. Sometimes it felt a little falsified & awkward. That was clever. However i do think some of the scenes were a little bit too long & were just like okay we get the point now move on to the next bit. That being said when they all meet for that huge christmas party that could’ve gone on for ages & i wouldnt have cared. It the best section of the film them all at Christmas & i think its enough to make this into a christmas film (probably not one to watch with the family though).
I like the fact it was female empowering if im honest. It was there story & was true & honest & at no point did it ever feel like it was a film for men to go & watch. I like to think as myself as a strong independent woman who can look after herself, so that resonated with me. Especially when it came to the struggles with life & the emotional turmoil we all go through & yet somehow still carry on. Okay this film is a little extreme in some way but it does deal with that, by showing the good & bad sides of everyone in this film.
If you are going to see this film because Cardi B & Lizzo are in it, you will come one disappointed. Both are in it for all of 5minutes if im honest & then arent really mentioned again. There is another celebrity Cameo too. But yea if your just in it for Cardi B this isnt going to go the way you want it too.
It was also nice to know that this wasnt just about stripping sex & drugs all of the time that there was an actual story behind it. Mama always says that is the case with magic mike that there isnt a story & its just Tatum taking his clothes off, but i think thats the point of that film. This film your understanding the struggle of the life & what it does to you.
Its an okay film. People should go & see it to see what it is all about, you will be enlightened. But you do need to see it for JLO the girl is on fire.