nope its not 2001 but who cares Potter is back on the big screen & we are going again.Yep its time to return to Hogwarts & watch it all again.
I remember being 12 when the first film came out & me & 2 friends & one of thems parents got all dressed up & went to the premier of the film at our local cinema. So much popcorn so fun what and evening. So this time i took my other Harry Potter mad friend, who because she was younger wasnt allowed to go see the film at the cinema, so this was her living out her childhood dream. She was so happy & excited to be there to see it.
There was a while, while we were sitting waiting for the film to start, where we were going we are the only people here who arent teenagers or having brought there kids. & then the two rows in front of us filled up with millennials like us & everything was okay. I did befriend a child outside the screening who was dressed in all her Potter stuff & went oh Hufflepuff your so wise & then she asked me my house & i said Slytherin & she booed me.
Trailers, Spiderman (yes), Sing 2(maybe), King Richard(absolutely) & Clifford the Big Red Dog which we sat there & laughed our head off at & then went right we need to borrow someones kids to see this so i think i need to do that. I will ask my friends if there 6 & 7 year old want to see it as a christmas treat. I recon thats how i can see it without looking awkward.
& then the film stared… & this is gonna be a bloody short cinema club review because you all know how much i love Harry Potter.
Im still shocked this film came out 20 years ago. if you had told me before going to see it with my friends all those years ago, that Hogwarts would still be my home, id have laughed at you. Potter & the wizarding world does sum up my generation in a nut shell.
The opening part of the film looked the most dated, you can see how technology has improved in the 20 years since. & who knew wed all care so much about Dumbledore Deluminator then. Not me, well only JK if we are honest we still had 2 more books to be released.
Still magical & certain moments have to be on that big a screen.
Ive never got this & i pointed it out to my friend. So the 3 of them & Draco all get told off for being in the forest late at night as its forbidden & get points taken off them & sent to detention, however what is there detention to go into the forest at night with the person they went to see. Counter productive right.
There was one moment were something happened & i whispered to my friend my father will hear about this & then like 2 mins later Malfoy said it. See im a true Slytherin.
I wanted to applaud when Neville got his extra points but no one else in the cinema did so i just went woop instead. He bloody deserved it. Also ive worked out what he forgot at breakfast, its his Robe everyone else is wearing theres, but nah not Longbottom.
Its all just so clever & is amazing & you forget how long a film it actually is as your just so caught up in it.
& now because this had so many people watch it this Christmas they are brining back the rest of them to cineworld too. Azkaban here i come at last yayayayayya, not sure why i didnt see that one on the big screen.
Now where is my Owl??