Horror. Fucking Horror. If i had said to you 2 years ago that one of the films i would be most hyped for in 2019 would be a horror film, you would have sent me to get my head looked at, but im a changed person so lets do this.
7pm is a really odd time to see a film especially for me but noone was home & i had a lunch meeting with someone so had proper lunch & then had a snack before hitting the cinema, took some epic piccys of the west pier too ( seriously check out my Instagram page).
Screen 1 had about 60 odd people in it which isnt bad, a lot of people who full on love horror by the looks of it. I mad sure i sat away from people so if i wanted to hide from it all i could. Horror does still scare me im sorry it just does.
Trailers we had a lot of horror which i am not bothered by, Pet Semitary (nope) some weird lake thing (nope) & then they had the trailer for Us, which just looks incredible & i am more than happy to hide watching that. What an amazing trailer bring it on.
& then the film started… so where does this fall in the horror sequel make money for old rope category… well it falls quite well actually.
I really like the scifi route it took, which really did make it clever & more than just a sequel. Some people will say it was to sci fi but i dont care i liked that route & think it brought it more depth but kept it true to the original.
Dont worry though it still has enough jump scares to keep it horror based & enough horrific deaths & omg moments to make you go oh man really.
It was also nice that it had some redemption & tied off some ends & questions we had from the first one too. I have always wanted to know what hes looking for in his room & now have closure on this.
It had some really funny & laugh out loud moments too, especially the suicide montage. I know in the current social media needs to stop kids killing themselves campaign thats not the best thing to write online but it was really well done.
I cried. I actually cried at happy death day. Its bleeding obvious when it comes to that point & you can see why i did but oh wow it was nice.
There were a couple of points where it was very much a oh god please let them do this please let this work where i was genuinely concerned for those involved.
Unfortunately its not as good as the first. The first really did stand out, but as far as sequels go for films that shouldnt be taken seriously this had the balls to go off script a little & still nailed it.
If you loved the original you will like this & not feel like youve wasted your time.
Thank you happy death day for not being completely crap.