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So about 5 weeks ago my sister when she found out about this film msgd me & went so when are you taking me & i was like i will let you know. So tonight i have a potential advanced preview of this, but she cant come as shes not a member, but one of the local real arthouse cinemas is showing it next week. So ive been on the phone to her for about 30mins to see when we are both free next week to see it there as its not at the multi plex or the other local cinemas, turns out the only evening we can both do is my dads birthday as he hasnt planned anything yet, which we will both attend, so shes not going, but has asked for a full review from me.

So im here & theres a mix of millennials & people my parents name, which to be honest i was expecting. both groups are the target audience if im honest, id say more 60 year olds than millennials.

Trailers, Elvis (yes) Nitram (i have an unlimited screening booked for this), Bullet Train (yes) & When the Crawdads sing (ooooh probably its the taylor swift thing isnt it).

& then the films started… & every box you expected the film to tick, it did & then some. Its delivered on all aspects, it really really did.

Saying Emma Thompson is a delight in film (or life in general) is just a given right? But she was again in this film. So perfect. You see her character unravel in front of your eyes as she relaxes & becomes her true self (metaphorically & physically by the way). It must have been so much fun to play that role & just slowly let your guard down & accept the situation you have & realise who you are. Her character deals with so much Its a joy to watch.

Daryl McCormack has a lot to deal with & considering he is the unknown in this hand & its basically a 2 hander, hes got to nail it so that Thompson can be a star, but he is brilliant too. So emotional when he needs to be & just a joy to behold (if you get me) He is very very good.

Its so much more than a widow in her 60s hiring someone to have good sex with. Its very mature in how it deals with the matter at hand & peoples perspective on it & how different people feel about it. Its a hard subject to deal with, but they get into some really emotional & manipulative stuff which makes you questions some of your own life decision too.

I like how it was split into their 4 different meetings to show one how time had passed but (& mainly) two how they accepted each other & realised this was just about having sex for either of them.

Theres a scene where they dont & then do order coffee. Coffee places like that are like that, it was so funny & then its gets really like oh okay wheres this going & then its hilarious. I love that scene. It really worked, almost more than the sex scenes before & after it.

There were point when you felt you were intruding a little & felt a little bit awkward watching it, but thats the point tho, to make this a conversation & for you to feel that way so i completely get it. But there the more you saw it the more you accepted it & felt like you were in on there secret, which is when certain things are revealed you are either like nah dont do that or be like yes be proud of who you are peoples. You & the film & the characters had all gained each others trust.

I love that she booked the same room each time too, thats so typical & so would be what someone would do too.

It was everything i was hoping it was going to be & then some. It just worked & felt sweet & loving. IT was more than just a film about two people having sex, & it was brave & bold & people should go see this not all the other mainstream stuff thats coming out.

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