If theres something strange
In the Neighbourhood
Who you gonna call?
The police?! nah the Ghostbusters, time for the follow up to the last legacy sequel they did, crossing everything that going back to New York & having the old team back together for the majority of it makes it better, so manifest with me peoples please.
It was Wednesday before easter & the 6pm showing so it was pretty full. Id say there was about 40 people in my screening for this. There were a group of millennials the row behind me having a jolly good laugh at points. I would say it was mainly groups of millennials or families with early teens kids. I was impressed as it had been out for a week.
Trailers, Furiosa, Civil War, Kungfu Panda (which is out tomorrow) Back to Black & Garfield. A right old mix of stuff, but i guess as Ghostbusters appeals to everyone they need to cover everything.
& then the film started… why was i so naive to think they had learnt their lessons from the last one… urgh.
There was a highlight though… JAMES FUCKIGN ACASTER!!!
Started Baking… Had a nervous breakdown… Bon Apatite!
yep he just randomly appears as a new ghostbuster in this film. It was so weird but actually was the best bit of the film, however where he disappeared to for the final show down, baffles me a lot, especially as he had been important up to that point.
Slimer also coming back & having a small part to play as a side quest was nice, but other than some nostalgia, he didnt actually add much to the film over all.
Im getting a bit concerned about Paul Rudd. Since Endgame hes not been used correctly in a film or franchise, it was only the tv show about cloning that he has truly shown how good an actor he is & lets be honest there is two of him in that show, he should be good. But yea hes been the lead of a few funny films where hes just not being used properly or the story isnt giving him the chance to comically shine. Im starting to worry he may fade away. Maybe that will be a good thing though, he can go back to his roots & make some really good low budget movies. So yea Ghostbusters once again didnt sell him well.
Also i get that its always the daughters story but the son was so badly miss used in this. There were points where he or his mum when they popped up i was like oh they are in this too. Basically this film was so full fo old characters from the past (including the guy who plays Dick in Die Hard {i smiled at that}) & then the new people from the last film & then the additions in this film that it was just over stuffed. You genuinely struggled to keep up with people. Like why did their friends come to work as ghostbusters & whats with Podcast? seriously. He can do one. Sorry kid, but your not needed in this one at all. Everyone had to little to do except the little girl.
The bit at the public library was very good & i enjoyed that. Why couldnt we have had more stuff like that just to keep us going. Thats what ghostbusters should be like. It needed to be more like that, it was nostalgic but also cool & done in a fun new way. It was the only bit that kept the magic of the original.
There was a point where i was sitting in the screening bored desperately hoping act 3 would start & we still had almost an hour to go. I was very much over it at that point & then the act 3 final show down was jolted & stale. It needed more. It needed higher stakes & not a sky beam. Even crossing the streams felt lame.
Bill Murray, i love Bill, but maybe he could have looked like he wanted to be there & not just do jokes from 40 years ago. HE was the only original ghostbuster who didnt add anything at all.
forgettable villain & sidekick im afraid to say.
Who lets there 15 year old escape & go & play chess in the middle of new york in the middle of the night? yes they arent the best parents ever but seriously? especially when shes already in trouble.
I like that they call out the damage they cause too. I know that was the in thing about 8 years ago, but its been a while so i am glad they did do that.
The little Marshmallow guys were adorable as always, but the film needed more of them. They are cute, but they werent in the promo enough or int he film either. Might have got a few more people to see it if im honest.
So maybe it wasnt the fact it was the female ghostbusters movie that ruined it. This maybe one occasion where a film didnt need sequels or reboots over the years. The original had charm & its not just being tarnished each time we try & make a new one, nothing will live up to it. & im not a die hard to the original. I only saw it in full for the first time a few years ago. So its not like i gate keep it. Maybe this is the one time this would work better as short 30 min tv shows & not a film to get more ghosts in it & then each character can be important per episode. Anyone up for that.
It just felt very empty & half hashed if im honest this film. It had a meh this will make money for us to keep making these film feel about it & thats what i sometimes dont like about cinema. It wasnt funny & im sure that if you ask me in December what i thought about the film my answer will be Acaster & that will be it.
Sorry busting doesnt make me feel good anymore…