Time to Let It GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET IT GO!!!!!!! Oh yea bit of disney magic for Christmas & the follow up to a modern classic no pressure here film nope none at all. This has got a lot riding on it.
Jojo’s poster is still one the wall by the stairs. Have worked out how im going to steal it too. There are some little hooks so i need someone with longer arms than me. I recon if we get the first gravity will help with the second.
There was a long time that i was the only person in screen 4 at the odeon to see this film there really was. In the end id say about another 30 maybe 40 people joined me, we werent sold out tho. I was also the only odd one & i was the only person not in a family setup, even if it was teenagers in the family. I felt a little odd.
Trailers we had Cats, Sonic (newly designed sonic), Rise of Sky Walker, Spied in disguise & Troll world tour, which was the first time i had seen the trailer for it. Looks really weird & a bit of a cash grab if im honest. I’d completely forgotten troll existed in cinema oh well. Its still Timberlake tho.
& then the film started… you know that hype & pressure i mentioned earlier that it had to meet & had big boots to fill… well it filled them with snow in the most epic way.
Why is it that its always Olaf that makes me cry in these film? Why, why WHY!!!!!!!!1 Josh Gad thankyou for making the perfect disney sidekick. He is basically the voice of reason & i love him & he keeps making me cry. Unfortunately when i ask my pops if he wants to build a snowman im greeted with a nah. Booooo. Anyhow i digress. Gad is stunning & Olaf is the best.
Elsa’s reactions to somethings that are stereotypically disney & what you expect of the world & whats expected of us are just full on girl power independant woman moments. Seriously they were some of the best bits of the film. Its nice that disney are loving empowering us at the moment. Perfect for little girls too, start them off with Elsa move them up to Marvel.
If we’re talking about inspiring we also do need to mention Christof & his song about his emotions that he wants to talk about. I one Boy comes out of the cinema & decides they want to open up about something be it something really important or just that he doesnt like broccoli because hes seen him go its okay to talk guys, then the film has done its job.
The songs & metaphors throughout are all brilliant as well. Such inspiring morals which parents must really hope there kids grab onto & run with to help them grow. Especially the feeling of loss & bereavement.
Some subtle & some not so subtle Moana & Little Mermaid reference in this film. When you spot the obvious meh then not so hit me up & we can chat. Its a when you know you know people & you will just go oh of course it does.
Some proper good throwbacks to the first frozen too, which are both encouraged & put for laughs or as a good plot device even though you dont think you need it at the time. Well tied in disney, also very useful for people who for some reason didnt see the first (ahem mama & pops still havent seen it the entire way through).
The created scenery & some of the filming (yes i know its animated but the way it moves through the animations) is so well shot & made to feel authentic, you do just sit there & for a brief second go im watching an actual film, then Sven or Olaf turns up & you go ah then again.
The plot was good too, i didnt know where we were going & how when we got there we were resolving it & then about 3 minutes before it happened i worked it out, then i started crying over Olaf. So it was well thought out.
At no point did it feel like this was being made a cash grab to sell toys for christmas or for nostalgia. This genuinely felt like it was made for a reason to prove that love really does conquer all no matter who it is you love.
This will be a classic, in years to come people will talk about this in stupidly high regard as an alltime disney great. Seriously disney didnt miss a beat here & im glad it was so fantastic. Seriously one of the films of the year.