Well if its good enough the first time round & you want to try & get to 100 cinema trips in a year, & your free you go see it again right. So im back watching Frozen 2 to try & get my numbers up for this year & you know its Frozen & its fabulous.
Today is my last definite visit upstairs in my odeon too, so one last long look at Taika face hanging across the stair well sorted me out. Hurry up January 3rd.
Screen 1 still had quite a few people in it for Frozen which is always good. Again mainly familys or groups of early teens dropped off by parents. Once again im pretty sure i was the only odd one for this.
Trailers we had Star Wars, Spies in disguise, cats, Onward which looks very cool by the way & the new Trolls film which feels very much grab your cash lets get some money from these people if im honest. Doesnt feel right at all.
& then the film started… heres my original cinema club review people https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-frozen-ii/ were just going to go back over a few more points in this one. Its still epic though.
My most valuable lesson this year from the cinema has to be watch the foreshadowing & look for the things hidden in plain sight. This has all sorts of them all over the place, it really does. They are everywhere when you know what you’re looking for. If your an adult whos taking kids go hunt for the easter eggs its brilliant. The Micky Mouse is actually a really easy spot for once.
Into the Unknown is a stunning & beautiful song. I mean lets be honest its not going to reach the let it go height but if anythings got a chance its this. Show yourself is good but i prefer this one. Sorry dont hate me.
Samantha?! when you know you know & i just when i now dont do an answer at home or need help but noone gets back to me i go Samantha?! the rest of the house do look at me like im mad but i dont care. Like Olaf i dont even know a Samantha.
Olaf little recap about the previous film is just some of the best 90 seconds of cinema & everyone else’s reactions to the story are so modern & amazing. Its a brilliant little bit of the film which is just so sweet but so perfect.
The jokes for the adults are even funnier second time around too. I reckon i missed some first time as well, so glad i went back for my second hit to get them all.
I wanted to be prepared fro the emotional break down & thought id be okay & calmer & softer. Nope. I was a Blubbering mess at the back of the cinema a couple of scenes before i was first time as i knew it was coming & i knew what happened before that was sad as well.
Stay past the credits people, you will be rewarded. I didnt first time i had to get home but this time i could & loved it.
It made me leave the cinema happy, humming along, with a large smile on my face & wanting to give everyone a warm hug. & if that doesnt mean that its a good film, i dont know what does.
This one will not be let go of & will be a disney modern classic. Pun fully intended.