May the date 3rd April go down in history. Last year it was the day my golden buzzer was metaphorically hit when I saw Eddie the Eagle which ended up becoming my film of last year. This was confirmed mid September. So yesterday I went & saw a film which at no point did I think would be in a similar situation. The only reason for seeing it was it looked quite fun it had Cillian Murphy in it & I hadn’t been to the cinema for 2 weeks.
Trailer wise we had the fate of the furious(really tempted to see that but that means iv got to watch a fuck load of them before hand) some retro 80s to detective turned real detective, guardians of course & one that for the life of me right now I can’t think of.
There was about 20 other people ish in the cinema which is okay I guess this films not very publicised. Probably all like me taking a punt on it with there limitless cards.
& what a punt it was. Wow!
It was funny, bloody, violent, shocking, confusing & double crossing & when it ended it was just like what no no no more more more please.
The fact that you kept wanting different sides to win, that you weren’t actually sure who’s side they were on & who the extra people were was amazing.
The fact that they are all trying to kill each other & have conversations is brilliant.
Best death has to be the man who has his head ran over by a van. I mean every other death was equally amazing but oh wow that one stood out everyone in the cinema went ewww at that.
Obviously everyone was fantastic Brie Armie & of course my boy Cillian who even in 70s gear & the world worst tash looked stunning as ever. He actually got to use his true voice in this one & was Irish.
I would like to keep this as my guilty little secret & just tell you all not to bother to see it but if you want a shoot em up that doesn’t take itself seriously watch this film. There may still be time for this to be golden buzzer material it all hangs in the balance with Guardians & Dunkirk. Watch this space. Best film this year so far.