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sunday morning trip to the cinema, in fact this is 2 sundays in a row im at the movies… what have i become. Well im here now & im here to watch the sweet Cornish true lift story of Fishermans friends. Harmless sweet viewing, no drama just chill & fun.

I am the youngest person in screen 8, the next nearest in age to me i would say is mid 50s which is saying alot. There’s also quite a few people here too a third full good on them.

Trailers OPPENHIMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I didnt quite scream like i did last time) I do love the fact the trailer has the countdown change each time you see it. I love that, how much does that cost. We also had the last king (yes) Mrs Harris goes to Paris (yes & hello to Jason Isaacs) 3000 years (yes) & the new Rockwell film about a murder mystery that was it (yes).

& then the film started… well its sweet enough & has a good message but that is a core problem (& its a core problem in general at the moment with films).

So i was watching this & we were near the end of act 2 & then some bit of random drama that wasnt actually need happened to the main characters to give them something to go ooh no about & deal with so we could then move into act 3 for the reconciliation, redemptions & then finale. Not every film needs random drama for no reason & so many little indi or low budget or simple films have done it this year. The film didnt need it at all. I mean it did teach someone a life lesson, but other than that it wasnt needed. Please stop this cinema, you are cheapening yourself doing this.

Especially when this film is actually important. It talks about metal health & grieving & life as a man. As someone who is an advocate of Its okay not to be okay & be who you are we love you no matter what, i was very happy it dealt with that. Its something everyone’s going through & it was very good the film showed all sides of it. I was very proud that it did that its an important message & i live the fact that it was all built up to that moment on the radio with Chris Evans (not that Chris Evans we have the original here).

The film missed Daniel Mays, it really did. The other people the label sent down there didnt have the range he did. Hes referenced a few times that hes still about but still. It just felt a little odd without him & his style.

They are also so lucky SeaShantys are so in & such a thing. I mean it did take over the score a little bit at times, but if your ever gonna do a film about Shanty’s, this is the time thanks to TikTok.

I miss Cornwall. We were only down there 2 years ago, but i miss it. Looking at some of that scenery & landscaping was lush, & i miss it. I shouldnt moan i have a beach 2mins away from me here that i go to twice a week, but its always a different harbour that you appreciate isnt it.

There were a few awwwwwwwwwwwwwww moments, but nothing to make you cry. Well i didnt anyhow (the queen of crying) but there was someone in the screening properly blubbering, which was a bit much. I was like really peoples, its not that sad, unless it had happened to them recently, it wasnt that sad.

Who had an argument about the order you put jam & cream on your scones being on a cinema screen in 2022 on their bingo card? Come on its one of you isnt it. The correct order is Jam & the Cream by the way. If you do it the other way round we cant be friends. Its a huge thing for those of you who dont know what im on about & arent brits.

The dressing up as fishfingers was a bit much, i mean it was fun for the first 3 seconds but after that it was a bit much.

I mean this is a real life story about the actual group so you can just google them to see what really did happen at the end of the 00s & the start of the teenies.

It was pleasant & ive watched worse on a sunday morning or at the cinema this year. Its definitely for an older audience than me due to its passing, but if its on in like 4 years time on films 4 on a sunday afternoon, it can be nice background noise if you get me. ITs not gonna upset anyone & just be a pleasant harmless little film. Sometimes you just need that.

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