Its been a long day (or monday even) without you my friend… nah ill stop there
Time for Fast X part 1 of is it 3 now… im not sure, but anyhow were a go & im here for the madness (& to try not to pay attention to the logic… I mean its fast & furious right.
for a 5:10 showing on a monday i was expecting a few more people here if im honest… however i would like to say thank you to cineworld & cineworld brightons very attractive manager Adam… yes Adam is alive peoples after not seeing him for months id given up on seeing him again & then bang there he was. Anyhow there was a group of teens in the row behind me who talked for the majority of the film & i told them at one point to shhhhhh & they talked even more & people a few rows in front were shhing them too. So i actually got up & left pretending i needed the bathroom (its a long film) & went & said something to the ticket guy & then waited a few seconds & went back in. 5 mins later in walks Adam in his managers outfit looking hot & he kicked them out & apologised to us all. I went to go thank him at the end of he movie but they said he had left. No! Adam i will find you.
Trailers, mission impossible (the new new one), the flash, The marvels, The little mermaid & Barbie. Thats a good set of trailers…
& then the film started… Well once again check your logic at the door, because they dont even really try to justify it this much in this one that there is any in the first place.
Jason Momoa is this films MVP, & i hope he keeps it up for the next 2 parts of this finale. Because every second he was on the screen he owned it. He camped it up & just owned it & i want my villain to do that, especially if you the final Boss villain. They need to be commanding & he so did. It may have been over the top but since when have any of these films in the last 10 years been normal & sane… nope they havent ( i really need to watch the early ones dont i?). So yea he owned it & i cant wait to see what they do with him in the rest of it.
Statham was so cool in the 2 scenes he was in (more Hobbs & Shaw spinoffs soon?) his fight was the best by a long shot, & then the fact that theres an issue with the Mirren which means he goes nope im off to go sort my part of this out without the rest of you is very cool. Im glad he turned up & okay it was for only 10mins of screen time but it felt right & it was enjoyable.
Also shout out to John Cena… what a character arch that has been. Okay hes not been in the films for that long but damn, he was good. I mean we arent talking Batista levels of acting good, but he was good. & it was fitting… thats all im going to say.
I was expecting to leave it on a cliff hanger, knowing it was 1 of 2(now 3) before i walked it, but for there to be about 4 of them (well it seemed it) that was a lot. I cant have that many loose ends to sort out. I mean we are set up for a kind of spin off as for the 2nd of the 3 films, but it was just like how many more of these are you going to leave me going oh no at, because bad stuff cant happen to them all. Its like they saw end game & went oh lets do that but do it multiple times. Also surprise cameos? how? How? If you know you know what i mean. & Why? for the mid credits one.
It actually all felt a little rushed at points. I mean i know weve got to set up a finale, but we have had 9 films before this to build this film (10 if you include Hobbs & Shaw) & yet we didnt spend long with the original og crew. They were relegated. IT was almost like for their loyalty they were pushed aside at points, there for the cheap jokes where as 3 films ago to do that would have felt like a travesty.
I know i watch a lot of films, so i can spot a twist, so much so that if something makes me go oh wow, it automatically gets an extra star from me. But this twist, you could spot a mile off so when it kept teasing it i was like i can see this coming, this is not a shock to me movie. If you think people feel for this i feel for those people i really do. Because it would be like me standing there in front of someone in all my star wars merch & them then asking oh do you like Jedi… nah your stupid if you didnt see that happening.
There were some very cool set pieces, that really were edge of your seat stuff & really got you engaged in it. It really worked & its what these film do so well. But that Drag race… damn especially with the use of that drone (was it made by Michael Bay this film?) I really enjoyed it, it felt like proper fast & furious that moment.
Dont think Brie was used to her potential, i see why they added her, but we need to see more of her in the future parts of the finale.
This is not the worst fast & furious film ive seen, but no way is it the best. I get they are building up to it all being over, but considering we have spent so long with all these guys, it just feels like well heres part one but the only thing you need to know about it is that Dante is bad & everyone else is family. Ignore the logic & just go with it. This is a popcorn with a bear film, but you can find much better popcorn movies in the last 2 years than this one to spend you night with.