Well why not its still on lets go see it again & see if i missed anything overly important or hillarious or more likely both.
Screen 7 in the bottom of the cinema i would say had about 40 people in it for a 5:15 on a thursday, not bad really. Its been out a fortnight now, that still good by my standards. Also i love that they have finally finished replacing all the chairs in that screen now so they are all leather, makes the premier seats in that screen only good for leg room. Other than that why upgrade?
Trailers we had Once upon a time, which was really odd actually, as its now been out for 2 days so thats weird. I am aware that that was picked as a trailer for the film because it wasnt out at the start of the week but still… We also had terminator which is still a no from here, Downton Abbey, nope to that as well. Angle has fallen yes please & finally Good boys which i have booked up for next week whoop.
& then the film started… & if you want my inital views on this film heres the first cinema club review of it https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-fast-furious-presents-hobbs-shaw/ im now just going to go back over a few bits which made more sense this time around.
So many more in jokes that first time you take for granted. Including the italian job references, we must be in a shared universe which therefore means theres so many more questions about this film. It even had a missing mirror that mini.
The cameos are epic, but i was so prepared for the second one that when it happened i laughed a lot an awful lot, the rest of the cinema (& some were on a second viewing by the way) completely silent… WTF! how can you not laugh at that its one of the best kept secrets in cinema that they pulled those cameos in this film off. Its brill.
We need to appreciate the second countdown with the machine in Samoa. I think the time frame is almost spot on so much so that i looked at my watch to see what the time was when it started to happen to when it ended. I recon were 90 seconds off that being correct, now thats a skill. IT wasnt far off but you know normally films go weve got 10 seconds left & theres another 30 seconds worth of mcguffin before said timer runs out. Oh the first one you can ignore because they are knocked out at one point & then you rejoin them.
Every single set piece including when Rock & Kirby fight in the office is on point. You all remember the larger omg ones like the bus, which seriously is up there for set piece of the year, but every single fight or chase or explosion is done to perfection & is on point. Including the start off side by side.
The madness & audacity & stuff the film gets away with is just OTT & has every single right to be.
There was one bit where i felt like i was kicking the chair in front trying to hang on & stretch for them because its such a scene where you have to.
Keith Moon & Mick Jagger…
When this franchise dies, which i do feel maybe soon not yet but maybe after number 10, people will remember the first one, number seven for Walker & this one for just doing everything. The rest meh. Maybe they will remember the baby scene, but this one will last the test of time & be peoples go to film.
It fills me with joy & makes me smile & laugh so much & im so happy to be on this ride with them. Its one hell of a film