1 7 mins 6 yrs

They day has arrived the most anticipated film of the year in my opinion the one i have been waiting for the most. Time for Hobbs & Shaw.

If you had told me four years ago that i would love the fast & furious franchise after binge-ing it to watch number 8 & that my number one draft pick for this years film i must watch would be a spin off from it, i would have laughed you out of the building & probably told you to fuck off. Yet here i am running to the cinema after work on a friday to watch this film. Its been a long time coming this, & after i have seen this i can legitimately hand out my golden buzzer for film of the year ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Exciting times.

Screen 5 i was expecting to be absolutely packed liek full on with people. Its a 12 its well loved its the summer holidays okay its hot but there should be people in here. Okay i did see it at 4:50 as i wanted to go home have dinner then beach cinema it, but there was about 50 people in screen 5. That was it. I felt a little bit disapointed if im honest. I kind of wanted to fight someone for my seat. but nah, i just walked in & went oh theres my seat thanks alot.

Trailers we had lots of small trailers for hustlers which ive never heard of but its got Cardi B & JLo in it so im tempted. Terminator part whatever but like the James Cameron self-indulgent trailer he always makes. Rise of SkyWalker the room still falls silent when that comes on. Angle has fallen so up for that. & finally Once Upon a time in Hollywood, which was a different trailer entirely to any of the ones id seen before & now im even more intrigued to see it. I was seeing it anyhow but you know this is now making me go ohhhhh really. I like it when a trailer does that.

& then the film started… Oh wow!

Okay first of all stay for the credits people its completely worth you wait & time it really really is dont just up & leave. Id had word about that before i saw it & was grateful for it so heres me passing on the message.

It was true to the rest of the franchise & kept it going with everything that had happened before & just fits in nicely with the rest of it. But being Frenemys is always a good base for a film especially when they have to work together. Johnson & Stathams bromance & chemistry works both as actors on the screen & off it. It really is a joy to watch. You kinda sit there & at points feel like your intruding into someones real life bickerings, but exaggerated real life. Both nail every single thing in this film & bounce of everyone so well.

Kirby & Elba both bring their a game too, dont really ever want to mess with either of them, both are good edition to the Fast & Furious Family. I couldnt look at Roman Reigns without thinking he should spear someone, & then he did & it was all worth it.

There were some other cameos in it too. some im not saying so you go & watch it but Helen Mirrens return as Mrs Shaw always makes me so happy. I love that she got her dream & got to be in these films as shes a big fan of them. But the other Cameos yea they are soooooooo good. You will talk about them alot. Thanks for keeping that secret people

Jokes properly made me laugh especially in jokes & not just from the Fast & Furious side, but from both Rock & Jasons back catalogs. basically the bit that made me want to get up & cheer was when we got the people eyebrow. I felt like a ten year old again. SO HAPPY THAT MADE IT IN! but no i laughed quite a bit & it just made me smile & go oh yea this is bloody good peoples.

These films are mainly all about cars & the chases & they stepped it up a gear here they really did & it went some & just… oh man. There were a couple of points i was hanging onto the arms of my chair going oh god no, how is this happening. It was proper full of suspense. The fight sequences as well were just top banana, especially when youve got a wrestler & martial arts expert doing all the heavy lifting, makes it so effortless. The bit through the bus is the best.

I also thought everyone who was in this be it the main people or the cameos or just the people with one line all genuinely looked like they were happy & proud to be in the film which says alot. Quite often when you get to film 9 of a franchise or a spin off you go meh but this no everyone looked like they loved every second.

Also a much improved plot, often these kind of films lack on the plot or dialogue for the sake of set pieces, but here it added & wasnt just cast aside just to make another hollywood blockbuster quickly.

Im just still smiling about this film now i really am. Its pure perfection hits the spot & did everything i wanted it too. It filled me with Joy & just made me go ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Thankyou lads for making such a stunning film.Theres a reason why this was my most anticipated film of the year & you nailed it & proved me right… Just brilliant…

However did it do enough to claim the golden buzzer. I can now award it now i have seen this film.
But thats not stopped me I have now HIT MY GOLDEN BUZZER FOR FILM OF THE YEAR 2019!!!!!!!!!1 AHHHHH
Come back for the end of year award in December to see what won. You can work it out though it bleeding obvious really when you think about it.

Was it something i said?

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