okay now ive got that out of my system, lets see what Denzel is going to do & how many more people he can kill. Start your 9 second stop watches & lets time this peoples.
Screen 6 for this at 6:10 on a wednesday. Lets play count the number of people in my screening.
12. Okay yes it has now been out for a whole week, but that 12 on a meerkat day hmmmmm. interesting indeed.
Trailers, haunting in Venice (yes) Dumb money (yes), the nun (no way) a weird film which was uk based which has Jeremy Corbin in which is comedy(cant remember what its called but im in)& Expendables 4(never seen any of those films ever) interesting bunch.
& then the film started… Well this is the weakest of the 3 films im afraid to say but you could watch a lot worse sequel actions films than this for sure.
First of all for all you Dave York ladies (& gents im sure some guys find Dave hot) but hes not in the film, not even as a flashback to include his face. However we spend a bit of time looking at some rocks on a beach in Italy & im like no flash backs… bless you Dave.
If you wanted an action film, please go & see John Wick chapter 4 instead. I know Denzel is getting old now & for the majority of the film he is injured until half way through act 2, but other than the opening part, his action is minimal. I mean that opening oh damn. Someone get shoot through the head & its insane & i went ooooooooohhhhhh god. But after that its an hour before he next hurts anyone & when we do get to the show down in act 3, its film cleverly. Its very rare you see it actually being him doing the killing. Cleverly shot, but due to his age we were missing some of his iconic im gonna kick the crap out of people. Even when he get equal its not like ahhhhh. Dave going off a watchtower & getting stabbed & gouged thats a fight, but this… it doesnt live up to that. Considering this is the end of the trilogy too, i wanted a much bigger blaze of glory.
The villain, i didnt care about, his main henchman yes he was properly like oooh yea you bad but the actual main bad guy & his motives were just meh. Im not saying we needed a better actor or anything, but i only was like oooh hes nice because he decided to target a little village & we only cared about them because they helped him. Otherwise i didnt care when they got hurt or killed off. They needed to be better written & less cliché.
There were some properly grim deaths though which were like ewwwwwwwww not nice.
Theres a character we meet at the start of act 2 & i worked out who they were quite early on & then when it was revealed at the end it was like ahhh i knew it movie hehe. Me good. Also it was a nice nod to a few things in both the 2 actors pasts & the previous 2 movies in this trilogy.
We also had a lot of god to discus & be shown. I get its Italy & they all have these churches all over the place up lots of stairs & lots of architecture, but still. It was a bit much at times.
Its a perfectly fine & average action film, which is more about building his relationship with the people then actually having action. Tension is built well but i needed a bit more of a pay off. Yea watch John wick or the first 2 films rather than this one peoples.