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Advanced screening time for me wooohoooo. Problem is i dont do period drama & when i tried to read Bronte at school i didnt enjoy it, so im not holding up much hope for this.

However there is a reason i am seeing it & its not just because i can… Its my name! How many times in your life do you get to go to the cinema to see a film with your name on it. Okay James & Jason & Jack usually do okay, but Emily… nah it doesnt happen that often. So why not. However it did make the ticket guy laugh when he scanned my phone & it came up with what i was seeing & my details. He want haaaaaaa i know why your seeing this, enjoy Emily, Emily. I think i made his evening or at least part of it.

Obviously i am not the only one whos not bothered by period dramas. There was about 20 people in my screening with me to see this, which was odd. Usually theres many more for the advanced previews. Id say mainly in there 40s or 50s were there to see this.

Trailers Oppenheimer, The Banshees (yes), Bros (yes please show this) Living (its in worthing yes) & the new Matilda Trailer (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) so a right old mix of choices there.

& then the film started… yeah what i was saying about Period dramas is still the case, they arent my cuppa tea.

So im not moaning about Emma, she was very very good in this, but she didnt have to much of a hill to push up against. It wasnt that out there if you get me. If your transitioning into being a leading lady in film, this is a good way to do it. Prove it against those you know are already good like Fionn & then completely boss it against those that are meh or crap. She was the perfect lead for this.

Altho my head when Adrian Dunbar turned up as her dad i was like (even tho ive not seen it) theres not bent coppers in this, is anyone called H & it took til about the 5th time i saw him to stop thinking that.

So the man who at no point until we get to the cottage has no chemistry with her at all, is he the first ever manic pixie dream girl. When he accidentality find her writing & gets to the word tongue & drops it in a fluster, its like hes found fan fiction for the first time. Mate come to 2022 fan fiction is mild if its got that written it in & thats your only spice.

Shouting from the top of the hill in the country side, yea thats cool everyones done that at some point in their life definitely.

We had so many relationships (lovers or family) that we were all meant to route for one min & then not the other & it gave us no reason as to how that relationship had suddenly repaired or destroyed itself in that time. It was just weird the actions some of them suddenly took. Very odd.

It felt very long. I looked at my watch at one point & i was like how much more time have i got to go mate. Come on im done with this now. Ive never walked out of a cinema just in case i miss something truly life shattering but nah it just mehd its way through the movie from start to end. Even the mild drama twice didnt make you go ohhhhhhhh.

Upperty people, calling those that dont conform weird or strange, that really wasnt nice & then how once she does something important, shes then accepted. So 2 faced.

The best bit of the film is the mask bit of the movie, but it doesnt really touch on that again until much much later in the film, but that was the best. Make it more like that peoples please.

Overall its bang average. Its hard to recall anything ground-breaking or shot well (even the rain & storms werent that epic with cinematography). It was an evening out that was about it. I know Period dramas arent my thing, but that was just a little bland & too snoozy & safe. I do recon come the year end review i will have forgotten that ive watched this movie, i really do.

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