I have not lost the plot or gone mad. This is a Cinema Club Review for Elf in 2018. I know go mad & crazy i dont care. This is the first time ever where i am off to the cinema & i know exactly what happens. But honestly, i am stupidly excited for this.
When Elf first came out 15 years ago i want bothered at all in fact i dont have a recollection of it coming out either. & then one Christmas i found it on Channel 4 & watched it & since then i have watched it every Christmas since. So for its birthday its got a few days in December where it is in selected cinemas for a one off show. One of them happens to be my Odeon. So im going. Why the fuck not?!
This would normally be where i would put the link to my standard review for Elf, but i have yet to move it across onto this one so when it is on here it will be linked.
So very few trailers & adverts before i started, we had a trailer for Mary Poppins & Dumbo but that was about it.
Id say there was about 30 people in screen 7 watching it, all there like me going well, i want to see it on the big screen. Id say the youngest people in there were about 17 & the eldest were mid 60’s. Properly mixed aged groups but 25 to 40 was the main group.
& then the film started… & it was magical. truly magical.
Its weird watching a film in the cinema that you’ve seen so many times before. It really is because you want to act liek you do at home, but dont want to ruin peoples viewing if its their first time (even if they have only paid £5 for it). But by the time we got to baby its cold outside everyone was having a sing & hum along, so much so that when we got to Santa Claus is Coming to Town if there was anyone in screen 6 the floor above sorry for the singing because all 30 of us went of it. I was singing mine while crying but i was. After all the best way to spread Christmas cheers is to sing out loud for all to her.
It was nice hearing everyone laugh when you do to. Doesnt make you feel so odd when yo u watch it at home & your belly laughing a it. It still stands up to it.
Bye Buddy hope you find your dad.
There were 2 people in the cinema who got the full on chuckles when it got to the tree with the star & in the mail room.
& i always for get it Dinklage too.
I did notice something though Buddy calls his baby girl Susie, after his mum… in the feels.
I feel properly festive now. Christmas Spirit is alive & well & this film will last for ever.
Thank you Mr Elf. Thank You