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Friday night straight after work cinema trip time. I love these, always a good way to start the weekend. & a bit of disney & pixar, what a way to go. Elemental was the last secret cinema that i missed & i was gutted. so im looking forward to this, im sure its not as bad as all the critics said it was.

Theres one problem with seeing a kids film… Kids at your screening. The family in the row along from me there 4 & 6 year old kept running around the cinema even when the film was on & they just lt them do it. & i dont mind complaining if its adults disrupting the movie, but kids… at a kids film, you cant really. So i have messaged cineworld & said this to them, but please parents if your kids cant cope with sitting still ist for 90mins dont take them to the cinema, get it on disney plus later on please. For everyone else’s sake. Thank god it wasnt a full screening those kids would have been even more insufferable.

There was a trailer for Barbie & the ninja turtles, & Wish? Is that right, i popped my head up from my writing to go Chris Pine! Anyhow whatever animated film Chris Pine is in i paid attention to that.

Then the film didnt start, because we had our pixar short. Carls Date… no No NO! Dont you dare give Carl a date disney, especially as Ed Astner has now passed away. Carl & Ellie are together, let them be please please please. It was sweet & funny but no Carl would not do that.

& then the film started… Darn it Pixar making me cry every time…

This film was very very average for Pixar until a point at the end of Act 2 & then a few bits in Act 3. Pixar no matter how many times you tell yourself, always manage to make you cry. & it broke me as usual & i was a blubbering mess. Especially the last part of the film & i knew it was coming. I knew from about 40mins in we were ending on one shot & it still broke me even though i had the time to contemplate it in my head.

But yea up to that point, it was a little bit mid, im sorry Pixar it was. The story didnt feel imaginative, considering what you were dealing with. Once youd seen one cool this that one element effected another, it was a case of okay ive seen that trick now, why are you showing it again (except for when the baby water element was sucked into a sponge, that was funny i loved that). But it wasnt the best written Pixar film. It just lacked a little.

Life lessons for kids were really well done. Having all 4 elements trying to live together to cooperate & how one set of society are seen by others, that is really important for kids to see & accept to not judge a person because of the way they look or where they come from.

It also made sure to tell you all to go & try & live your own life, just because its what youve always believed or been told thats what youve got to do doesnt mean that its the right life for you. I mean look at me. I have a 9 to 5 job but we all know id give that up in a heartbeat if i got funding to write all the time. We all know id do that in a second (someone sponsor me please).

The admin person… i laughed at a lot at them. As someone who has to deal with these people every week, i get it i so get it. I mean i shouldnt have laughed that much but that was so right.

The random sporting game was so weird to gain someone’s trust & then it wasnt really mentioned again… I mean its a way to meet a character, but it felt a little quidditch world cup final vibes at points.

This isnt pixars best, no way. Its very mid & average until the bits that make you cry. Pixar need to go back to their top tier story telling & not just rely on the blub fest finale. I mean that does work obviously, it saved the film, but this isnt top tier animation or story telling. It just lacked until that point. Im not often disappointed in them but i felt a little let down by this.

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