Friday night movie time, & a trip to the cinema to go & see Dungeons & Dragons. Honestly im not holding out much hope with this one. Its the last film on my film must watch list, but im hoping Pine can own this beyond belief.
I saw this in screen x on opening day (where you pay more for a larger screen) & it was half full which is pretty good. However there were 2 parents who brought tickets for their kids & put them 4 rows in front of them & ignored them for the entire film. Bit selfish. Also 4 people turned up 10mins into the film (like after 15min of adverts & 10mins of trailers) Seriously people youre almost 40 mins late to the film. Like i understand arriving just as th trailers end, that makes sense, but no not that late.
Trailers, Super Mario (yes), Fast X (yes) & i cant remember the other 2. I must have not been interested or it was so generic i was like nah not for me or ahhh a trailer for that.
& then the film started… & you know what considering i wasnt expecting the world & knew little about that world, i had a bloody good time.
Chris Pine bloody legend. Hes almost creeping into the Ruffalo category below Hanks. Absolutely owns this from the narration, the exposition & being the heart of the film. Owns it. Hes comedic light relief & a hero. Whoever moans about people with logic & planning again, im going to show them Pines character in this movie.
& the Hugh Grant. Im British & grew up with grant romcom… im always biased towards him. I mean this isnt Paddington 2 oh no but he was brilliant. As a villain & his line were delivered with purpose & i loved him on the press tour & as much as i was meant to hate his character, i just couldnt because every now & then hed just pull that face (you know the one i mean) & your go ahh its Hugh being goofy happy days.
Rege (hurry up & name him James Bond please) Jene Page was good. I loved that he didnt show up until a certain point & then left. IT proved we didnt need him. HE was there for that part of the movie & that was all that mattered. He did his job then fucked off. He was bloody cool & classy tho.
Michelle getting to beat everyone up was a lot of fun to, especially when she gets that axe. its bloody cool & i love that she doesnt get a shit & i gasped at her ex husband reveal i was not expecting them.
So ive not played the game or done research into it. So i have no idea how spot on it was. Im sorry i dont, i wish i did im sorry. But what i saw i enjoyed. However there werent enough Dragons if im honest. There was one, that fat one that over slept & was grouchy. I related to it quite a bit. I really did. He was cute, thats me before my tea or coffee in the morning.
So many of these kind of films recently have been made with an obvious ending to set up the next film, however here it didnt & i was happy with that. If Pine & Rodriguez want to come back they can, we can go off with Rege, or with someone else or start again. It was refreshing. cheers movie for not doing that.
I liked the maze, but it was far to short im sorry it was. I wanted more of the hunger games if you get me.
I loved the cemetery scene. That was hilarious & i loved it & i like they its still potential still going. I laughed a lot at that.
The villains were okay, i mean it was all about there magic that the actual villain themselves & i can remember why they were so evil to start with. But if its magic does it count as a sky beam, especially if it comes from the sky & not the villain? thats a serious question peoples please answers on a post card or pigeon post (quicker than royal mail)
The back story at the start was well told, along with all the other exposition i like that. & theres a bit where they all agree to do something & one of them goes well id join you but im not sitting on the bench.
Im not sure i needed to pay the extra for screen x but there were points where bodies & stuff & dragons were flying in which looked cool in it.
I think i would have enjoyed it even more if i had played the game & knew the lore. However what i did see was bloody good fun & you could have a hell of a lot worse popcorn movie night out. This was fun & knew what it needed to do. I recommended this for the adventure & fun & for Pine & Grant being well Pine & Grant & knocking it out of the park.