Cinema time… can I just leave it at that do you think that will do.. what do you mean I’ve got to do this as normal? Oh man but but oh okay oh well here goes…
Cinema time 1st of February January is bye bye at fucking last thank god for that. So what a better way to go into the new month than with a film. Does mean I’m going to be very late Home for dinner but Matt Damon’s worth it right?!
Screen 2 was nearly half full lots of people like me who know this maybe there last chance to see this film I recon after today it’s on at a very weird time next week. Really odd oh well.
Trailers we had shape of water which I know I need to see but still isn’t rocking my boat. I Tonya which just looks fabulous. The mercy which looks dire & Game Night which looks like it’s going to be completely crap but I’m kinda hooked on that trailer it looks weird & bad & I want to see more of that film.
Then the film started… now I can stop right?… hello anyone… really?!
I don’t want to talk about this film. I want to keep it to myself. I know it’s not done too well at the box office around the world… but I have no idea why . It’s amazing.What am i watching that noone else is.
Everyone is brilliant in the film Damon, Waltz, Chau, Wiig they are all so brilliant a proper ensemble performance from them all.
The concept is brilliant it really is you just sit there going wow, oh wow. Its also nice that there are 3 points in the film where the film changes, & tell you 3 stories in one but all about the same person. It was only when we got to the third act i went ahhh that was 2 bits previously yes.
Some of the visuals are amazing, people will be a little upset as the vodka bottle isnt in it exactly like the trailer, but all trailers are guilty of that they really are. So dont just pick a hole in this film as that bits not in it.
I like how it proves that advances forward in technology are actually a hindrance as well & that people will exploit them for crime. That was good, that happens in all walks of life small or big.
It was sad, it was funny, it was beautiful, it was bleak, it was caring. It had really good morals for us all to take on & appreciate our world & the people we care for more & ourselves too. It was just so clever. & Im going to stop typing. I dont want to give too much more away.
So dont read the negative comments about it online people (i know thats harsh with me saying read mine in stead but you know). Go & see this film, it might change your perspective of thing. It made me leave the cinema with a huge smile on my face, I thought it was just AMAZING.