Ive got some annual leave, so lets go to the cinema at 13:20 on a friday… dont think ive done that ever. Lets go see what ive been calling for the last 3 weeks the Drama of Florence Harry & Chris. I am really looking forward to this. Its on the hit list for the year & the buzz (negative & positive) has been so intriguing so i cant wait to make my own mind up about it.
So for a 13:20 showing the screening was at least 60% full which was good. It was mainly 18 to 22 year old who lets be honest were there for Harry ( i mean i cant say anything about that i gave up a few hours of my life to get Styles tickets myself which we got ekkkk) theres a few older people in their 50s but there wasnt many millennials. I will talk about a group at the end of my review.
Today was also the coffee girls last day at the cinema. So i went & got a coffee & wished her well. Shes off to Sheffield uni & she said that someone else will make my Mandalorian coffee for me, shes told 2 people. Will anyone say this is the way to me in future tho…
Trailers, Oppenheim, Amsterdam (Yes) Mrs Harris goes to Paris (yes{hello}) The Woman King (already done) The Lost King (yes cant believe im busy tuesday)
& then the film started… & i think you all need to go see to make your mind up about this film as theres been so much written & said in the lead up to this film. Its all the Drama Mick I Just Love It! That being said i am now about to type about it & be very positive about it.
I love Florence you know that. I have always been here singing her praises & going oh shes the one, shes the future & in this she finally get the big Hollywood seal of approval & she is perfect as Alice. I was on the edge of the chair throughout it worried for her. Her love, her pain, her goofiness, her loyalty oh it was just all there & she gave the perfect performance.
I have said many times that if Chris Pine is in a film, even if its the worst film in the world he boosts it (im looking at you Wrinkle in Time & Wonder Woman 1984 {that had one other thing going for it tho, bad 80s hair & all softie}). He is so good in this. Youre never quite sure what hes going to do to stir things up a bit, & then he just turns it on & its good. I would like him in it a bit more, i didnt actually care about his character til one point (we will get to that soon) but i guess if you want others to have a chance to shine it cant be the pine all the time.
The Kitchen & Dinner Table Act Off between Pine & Pugh was one of the best acted scenes ive seen this year. IT WAS FUCKIGN PHENOMINAL! There are no other words to describe it. From the moment he stands behind her in the kitchen, to them all leaving the dinner table just leaving her there… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Spectacular. Seriously amazing. If you watch the film for one reason let it be this scene.
Now Harry Styles. Harry is good. Hes still got away to go. But lets be honest half the internet want him to win & half want him to fail. & if you put him next to Pine & Pugh he was always going to look weaker & not as good, but considering this is his first real lead in a film, he is bloody good. Hes only going to get better peoples. His best acting scene is a part i cant talk about & the scene in the car.
So i knew it was more than what it was going to be. I mean i still want to know why everything shook at certain point & what that plane crashing meant other than to just start act 2. But i had guessed before i saw it one thing, but didnt know how they would do it. IT was clever but it wasnt out of the ordinary if im honest. However once the truth was revealed there was one person who said something that i was like oh god no at them. I didnt have that on my list. I mean now i know, i should have seen it coming & next time i watch it i will notice that & be like ahhh alternative motives.
The gala was brilliant. I mean odd but right decision to make Styles dance & not sing, because otherwise it just becomes the Harry Styles singing film, like Cats had Taylor swift singing in it. But that Gala was carnage but told you everything about everyone in that room. I loved it. Its hard to explain without saying it. The parallels were brilliant about your world being on a high &your world being rock bottom.
Some of the styles & the way certain things were portrayed were so arty & clever, but then when you know its a bit like you are using these because you can. Id say only 20% of those bits were actually important come the end of the film. I did love all the styles & eras tho, they were very chic & cool.
I was expecting to be more scared & freaked out than i actually was with the film. Considering its was a thriller. I was on the edge of my seat for parts of it, but nothing was shocking or made me go the shit is that or nah thats wrong. I wanted more freaky stuff from it.
So the ending is ambiguous & thats all i can say ( its probably more that i actually should say) but im saying it for a reason. Once that noise happened & the credits started the group of 4 college girls in the row behind me all said well im lost, nah i didnt get, was there more to that, so does that mean… & then one of them saw me nodding & turning letterboxd on & tapped me on my shoulder & asked if i got it & i said yes. Another then asked me what it actually meant. & so i told them, its about the metaphor of the perfect life & that you cant ever really leave reality & about consent & ideology & a bit more that i cant say without ruining it & then one of them went ahhh i get it now thank you. I think my work here is done.
Its a very very good film. I really really enjoyed it & the style of it all & Pugh & Pine. I mean its nothing original, but it was interesting to see which of the 5 possible options the film was going to pick to go down. & at least it has the balls to just pick one of them & not jump between.
Its well worth a watch peoples, the hype & the talk about this film is on point. Go make your own mind up about it.
The Golden Buzzer
HAS NOW BEEN HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES Peoples its happened…
just got to wait for new years eve to find out now…