So this films been a little while coming. Do you remember that storm we had a couple of weeks ago (ahh simpler times) well i didnt see this film because of it. My multiplex cineworld i attend is on a marina harbour, so the bad wind & see waves i decided the day before a film isnt worth my life & the damage to my car. Eventually on that day my cinema at 1pm went nah were shut this isnt happening. So i know people who have now seen this film before me as this was the next time i could then see this film, so here i am ready for it.
So there were quiet a few people in screen 5 for this film, id say about 30 odd people all around my age. However i need to say something here.
So i am a one at the cinema, i know find it odd when i go with other people. So i was just sitting there on my phone while the adverts were on catching up on my life on my phone as it had been a quick turn around. a group of 5 with large drinks popcorn & nachos arrived & as they walked past my row 2 of them said loudly enough oh god how sad & pathetic do you have ot be to go to the cinema on your own, yea imagine not having any friends to take to go see a film. Now usually this wouldnt bother me but for some reason tonight it did & i felt really small & ashamed. so i just tried to block them out. They then said it when another one came in & all laughed & then the next one. but then they got caught out. The person that they very loudly moaned about then got to there row & went excuse me can you budge im at the end of this row & walked past them all. That shut them up.
Trailers, Phantom of the Open (cant wait for secret cinema) Ali & Ava (weird as ive already seen it) downton (nope) & the lost city (which seems to be the trailer before every film at the moment{i aint moaning tho}).
& then the film started… & it was more than i thought it was going to be despite it hitting all the cliché marks i was expecting it to do.
So last year Nomadland was meant to be this brilliant road trip about lost should who were having trouble belonging who wanted to share amazing stories & have a positive experience. It won best picture at every award show last year. I had a better self discovery story telling road trip story about belonging with Dog that i did in Nomadland. Im not sure if that says more about me or how random award season can be when it comes to ticking boxes. It was what i wanted Nomadland to be last year, but ah i got this with Channing & Lulu.
Channing was very good in front of the camera & behind it too as he directed some of it too. As it is a basically one person film (& a dog i know but you get me) hes got to do all the heavy lift & make it work & without a strong performance this doesnt work at all does it.
Its a story about a man & his buddys dog, where you know from the start exactly where its going. & i did all i could to not cry. There was one point where i welled up & i was like nah im fine this next bits going to be okay. & then he put that car in reverse & i started crying. there was one person in my screening properly crying liek you could hear them, that was a bit much. But year i cried quite a bit. It was predictable & even i couldnt stop them from falling.
Does Kevin Nash have to be someone a bit shady in any Tatum original story film. I mean im here for it, but hes not the best actor. I mean he wasnt even the bet wrestler. & its not like hes got a lot of stunts in this has he. One fight but thats about it.
That dog is adorable. I mean i am more of a cat person than a dog person but that dog. When it pulls those eyes was so lovely & sweet you did bond with it. & i love that it had a greatest hits video of their adventures before this.
All the life lessons you learn on the way in this film are actually very good & okay are cliché however they applied to the right people & people with heart provided it & those who needed to be put in their place were.
I wish i had the guts to blag a free hotel room. Id never get away with it ever at all.
There were some nice swooping driving shoot & some nice landscape cinematography along this journey, there really was. Lets be honest you arent expecting that from a film called Dog with Tatum in are you. No your not but it did. Very nice. I mean theres better but they had a go & 75% of the time it worked, good on them. The bit in the shack in the rain & storm was good for lots of reasons, cinematography, effects & acting. It was all there & was the turning point of the emotional journey being so close but also so far.
The film had some pretty dark moments in it as well. I mean there were some things that could have been deemed as racially motivated, some storys about bullying & attitudes that were wrong & lots of mental health & ptsd issues that were dealt with. The film didnt shy away from these moments & highlighted them for there true nature but then tried to solve them & speak about them in a most human way & let it flow back in gently.
So when the film ended the group that had been rude at the start left & went oh that was a crap film why did we waste our time with that… did we see the same film. Im glad they wasted there time & money on it & didnt enjoy it.
I on the other had loved the life affirming message of it all & had a lovely emotional time. I keep seeing films at the moment that get me in the right state of mind at the right time & im glad it does. It hit the spot & i recommend you all go see this emotional piece of joy. or just go see it as Tatum take his top off a few times.