Im a week late, but this was my preferred time to see this also in theory less screaming kids than opening weekend. Yep time to see what Gru & those minions are up to in Despicable Me 4. Hopefully this is fun. I still really like the third one of the series, it was mainly for the adults & not the kids, so heres hoping more of the same for this one.
Half full was my screening, pretty happy with that, although i did see two little kids with inside out cups who then also wanted minion cups & their dad was like nope you wanted Joy & Disgust, thats all your getting. It was mainly families but there was one group of millennials woohooo.
Trailers, wild robot (im gonna be obsessed with Fink) Paddington (ahhhhhh it will always get a ahhhh) Moana (yes) Harold & the purple crayon (ive just seen the American review im thinking no) & Wicked (bring it on girl).
& then the film started… I think the joke has run its course, im sorry, but thats how i feel.
So Steve Carell is always on fire as Gru, theres no doubt about it. But other than like 2 shots are his extra family & friends included in this film. Also i didnt realise until after i got home that they dumped Brand from it. I do understand why but i was like hmmm controversial when the doctor finally appeared. But no Andrews & no twin brother, urgh it should have celebrated all of it or at least referenced bits to previous films. Also we needed more Lucky the Goat too. We also talked about Margo struggling at school but nothing becomes of that, its like mentioned twice & thats it.
The best scene of the film is stealing the honey badger. Like there is no comparison. It was the scene i was laughing at the most. Everything from getting to that school to getting in, getting the badger & then escaping was super cool.
I get that if you are a small child minions are very funny & over the top & yes mega minions are interesting but i think i smiled one at something they did. There was no hysteria from me.
Will Feral is a nice addition, but he doesnt interact with Gru enough. Also hes using his fire starter voice. I was waiting for someone to shout PLAY JAJADINGDONG! at him, but no. The whole school reunion for the villains was cool, but we didnt see enough of the other villains powers & also how did no one in that room then realise that Gru works for the Anti Villain League. Surely someone would have tipped the rest of them off.
There was maybe 2 jokes just for adults in it, but both were a little bit predictable. I mean yes the neighbours were interesting but other than 3 jokes it wasnt worth it. Their daughter was the best part of it but once her side quest was done they were kind of forgotten about.
& the woman at the hairdressers? im certain there would be more to it than that but no. Also why didnt they give them secret identity’s that they could actually do? Idiots. Yes i know comedy but it wasnt funny.
The finale was a lot of fun but once again didnt add up to previous bits like this from earlier films. It was just half baked.
I know this is meant for kids, but those kids at the start are now gen z & dont want to be treated like all they care about is a raspberry being blow & the word banana. Its just falling flat now. Im sorry despicable me this was a miss fire for you. Please improve or please can you go back to doing jokes for the adults as well, because if we have kids & have to sit through stuff like that at least make it fun for us too.
Go see inside out 2 again instead peoples.