Marky Mark Time Peoples
So when your limitless card doesnt work when you try to book cinema tickets you panic right? oh god i got in a tiz wednesday night yelling at my phone. Eventually i bypassed the app & went on line to get it, still took a while though.
I then found out why when i picked the ticket up, it was a preview screening… my bad still no one was at it only another 12 people had also done the bypass, or were actually there for the proper preview so well done to them.
Every trailer i want to see the film of at the cinema, Allied, The Girl on The Train, The Accountant, Trolls ( im going to take the kids i baby sit to that), & Inferno (not taking the kids to that one).
So film time american real life story of a hero with Mark Wahlberg, its going to be a shambles… well thats what i thought.
Im so glad i was very wrong. For once Hollywood got the tone spot on.
Yes putting Mark Wahlberg in your film is going to get people to go & watch it (im guilty of that but i do have an interest in the real life event anyhow) but he wasnt the all out action hero saving everyone single handed. He was just doing the commonsense good thing that i hope i would do try to give everyone enough time. Yes the leap is a bit much but other wise spot on.
That explosion though the one with the mud that sends everyone fly omg. wow i know the real one was bigger in real life, and that they couldnt actually do it but they did a pretty good job of it.
BP what wankers they were. Seriously they were greedy fuckers. John Malkovich was good as one of them ut the rest i didnt really seem to care.
The end bit with the crew on the boat was good, sad & poignant. As were the credits showing the flash back to the court & prosecutions & the film not actually ending until all the names of the dead were included.
Hollywood got there disaster movie right for once, but i think if they had got it wrong it would have been seen as a bad way to remember those who actually did die. Well done guys keep it up.
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