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a film about supermans dog where hes voiced by the rock… im in im 100% in. I know im not the target audience but this is hopefully going to be very fun straight from work on monday. a nice chill start to the week.

There was no adult showing of this which was a shame, so it was full of kids talking through the first 10mins of the film & at one point one of them moaning they they were bored… There was 4 blokes who were all in there mid 20s who turned up when the trailers started, who were clearly there like me for the rock, so i was glad i wasnt the only one.

Trailers, Lyle the crocodile (nope) Black Adam (yes) Shazam (probably i love that joke to Mirren about fast & furious tho thats epic) & ticket to paradise(yes). There was one other animated thing that looked crap but there were hardly any kids films, which considering 50% of my audience were under the age of 10 says a lot. The adverts were all for the parents.

& then the film started… It was solid & this was a kids film on the surface but entirely for the adults for the inside, it really was.

So you all know my love for The Rock, i mean i think this maybe one of my first reviews ive done about one of his films where im not started it by going ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY. But when you animate a super dog pet to put on his reflective glasses that way & then raise the peoples eyebrow… automatic one star increase there. & that not including the calling of someone a jebroni … i laughed very hard at both those moments. Very funny. That was not for kids that bit that was for millennials

the bromance between him & Kevin Hart continues without them actually having to see each other & be just voices. IT just gets it. I know that friendship has been there a while, but it still works even animated.

There were lots of other super hero references in this film, from DC, Warner brothers & even Marvel (yes a magic hammer got a shout out) im sure there was one point where someone started saying life is good but it can be better, but they got cut off half way through.

I heard more adult laughs at this film than kids. So many adult jokes that just went straight over there heads which we all laughed at. There were some epic things not being PC or who things in films are cliché which was just like yes.

I love the duality of everyone, especially Batman who was played the Reeves. Properly moody loved it, nailed it entirely.

It was well animated & didnt feel rushed & actually made a lot more sense than some of the DC films ive seen recently. For example if you said i could watch this or the most recent Batman or Wonder Woman 1984, id pick this (dont tell Pedro that hes the only reason to watch that).

The story wasnt to complicated so kids would get it but still had some twists along the way. & enough mild peril to make you think you know what maybe one of them wont make it out.

There are credit scenes people some fun some omfg & some just oh okay, its worth hanging around for.

Over all i smiled & laughed & i think i had a better time than the kids in my screening. So if your a millennial take you littluns they will be like this is okay & you will be like yes i needed this in my life that was fun.

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