There’s been so much talk & buzz about this film I had to go & see it. You just can’t ignore the word of mouth. So it was time for double bubble Monday’s oh yea.
Screen 7 id say was over half full which is always good. Shows that the buzz has been moving around & proves a point to everyone. Real mix of ages too, from teenagers to people in their 80’s the talk really has been good about this film.
Trailers we had Widows (bring it on) First Man (bring it on) El Royal (Bring it on) A Star is Born (bring it on) & one more what was it for oh man come on brain oh Bohemian Rhapsody (definite bring it on) all good trailers trailers i didnt need to be sold about will be going to see all of these.
& then the film started… well thats two hours of my life i wont ever get back & wont be able to erase from the memory.
I came out feeling like i had been judged by every single person in that film for being me & just felt disgusted & let down by this film. It was like a really bad high school clique just going your not good enough people why are you watching out film. Seriously the whole vibe was you have less than £5mil to your name you are garbage to us & dont belong in society. Genuinely felt like i was treated like shit.
Some films like this you praise for the obvious ending but this one constantly told you that you were going to get it so that when it came & we were supposed to have all the twists making you think nah you were just sitting there going get on with it alright stop taking us away from it. we know whats going to happen we are not idiots
It was to self indulgent & wanting to put itself on a pedestal, that it made the film dull & stupid & very bland.
Except for Gemma Chan (love her) everyone else in this film was poorly portrayed so lacked even if they acted there arses off would have been bad, or was really poorly acted like it was so wooden by ikea poang could do a better job. At least that rocks. The best characters in the film were the american mum & the gay best friend brother person (thats how bored i became i cant remember if hes a brother or bestie).
A film like this should give you some life lessons but this one nah there was no obvious or meaningful turn around or resolution even the one they wanted to show you still felt false & was like im not doing this for the right reasons. The only life lesson is if your stuck up & have a fuck ton of money its okay to throw a party on a school night, & that rich people want even more free stuff than the rest of us.
This is not my kinda film but im glad i saw it to see what all the hype was about. Turns out the hype was nothing & made me feel really bad after watching it. Heres hoping film 2 is good in a minute.