Saturday Morning at the cinema. Before we get to the christmas rush of people going to the movies. I mean why am i actually here. Ive got the week off to go when i want but no. I’ve got my coffee & im ready to go. Theres one problem tho… which film is this. I know you can see from the text at the top, but i have a comedy & a thriller booked up in a gap of 36 hours. So it was nice when at 11am it said the comedy of confess fletch, that was very helpful.
There was about 15 people in the cinema with me for this early showing which was good for an early saturday. I was definitely the youngest person there. Id say most of them were around my parents age, not that this bothers me if im honest.
Trailers, Opp, Avatar (no) The Infernal Machine (my mate Guy Yes please omg) Babylon (yes) & Violent night, which i hadnt seen the trailer for before & im now so sold & up for that.
& then the film started… maybe its because i see so many films (i know my own fault) but this all just felt a little too average & bland. I mean it was good, but i felt like i had seen this a few times before this year & in recent years while i was watching it.
So to people who dont watch as many movies as me (which is most of you if im honest) did you get who the murder was the first second you saw them. Because i did. I was like yep they are the killer & thats that & then was like okay so hows it going to come round to this point. Maybe that took some of the enjoyment out of it. I mean its not quite liek see how they sun earlier in the year, because that had me doubting myself after i guessed it, but at no point did i second guess this.
John Hamm is a very good leading man. It needed someone like him to pull this off it really did, but he needed someone of similar quality or just slightly below him for him to bounce off because at one stage he was acting his arse off & two people in the scene with him were going through the motions. It was weird.
I laughed a couple of time but they were more audible giggles, but from the way the trailer showed it i was looking forward to a right romp of a comedy. But i didnt get that. Although there was a bit in the neighbours kitchen which was the best part of the film & there was a fire work bit that made me smile, but other than that, yea it wasnt a laughter track if im honest.
LA Lakers are just following me around at the moment arent they… hmmm why why why…. darn you softie.
The password for the encrypted file was brilliant.
Theres a dinner scene at the start of act 3 that is good, but isnt actually funny.
The poster & Trailer make you think you are watching a completely different film to what you are getting. I mean theres nothing wrong with that, trailers trick you all the time, but i thought this was going to be globe trotting & going everywhere but no, no no no.
Over all i had fun watching it. It was bang average, but It made me smile & also made me laugh. A few stronger supporting characters would have made this so much more better. But yea, it was pleasant & i left the cinema smiling going yea that was fun.