Oh the run to the cinema to work on a Friday, at 4:30. This Disney film had better be worth it.
Were nearly at the end of January the most difficult & busiest month of the year nearly there nearly there we can do this. So lets treat myself to a kids film.
I cant tell you which kids films they were advertising. As when i walked into screen 6 after picking up my ticket for the day & Monday, the astronaut man at the odeon was saying 3, 2,1 so missed all the adverts. Which begs the question why only 10 minutes of adverts odeon thats a bit odd, i mean its good but i means another mad dash on Monday to get to screen 8.
Cinema was very empty which for a Friday at 4:30 for a kids film is a little bit disappointing. Unless everyone saw it last week & were at early man this week.. But still there should have been more. I think i was the only adult there not with any children either. What i like films i need to see this.
At least i get into talking about the film a lot sooner, which your all going to be happy about. What a beautiful sweet sad & moving film that was. It was not what i expected at all, but it much much better than that.
It was a Male lead Disney film, which is very weird. He wasnt even doing it to save or win a girl. Disney always go for the female voice or the princess to he the star but nah not this time very refreshing even his friends in the film were all male.
I cried (of course i did its a modern Disney film). But this one hit the heart strings a bit more when i cried. My Grandpa has Dementia, which is unfortunately advancing to the next stage, which we all know isn’t going to be pretty. Coco who the film is named after who is the old lady in the film has this as well & there are some rather upsetting bits where she forgets her dad who is in the after life, which means he wont be in the afterlife anymore. & the kid trys to help her remember (sorry this is a large spoiler) so he can live & she starts telling stories about him from her past & gets out all her old stuff as the kid sings & it keeps prompting her. Sorry ive cried throughout typing that, its probably a load of gobaldy gook, but it need to remain. Its just so beautiful & makes me want to go & hear my Grandpa tell his stories about Hawaii again one more time while he can still remember them.
Right compose yourself girl come on.Think of that mad dog as a spirit animal. Yea that was funny or people keep getting hit by shows or some of the time the bones all feel apart in the after life. Yea lets be happy. Spirit animals are in very much so. Mines AJ Styles (does that work? probably not but i’ve always said he is so im sticking with him) & hes phenomenal.
The films got good morals to teach kids to go for there dreams but tell them that they must always be grounded when trying to achieve them, & that at the end of the day families & friends are all that matter really in this world. Nothing else is important.
The music is good its not going to beat this is me though. & its a good original story too.
I would suggest all parents take there children to see this. It will hopefully inspire some, be a life lesson to others. More more importantly it will be a good bereavement education for them. Its a nice metaphor for what is happening on the other side, if you like to think there is one.
I would suggest all parents take there children to see this. It will hopefully inspire some, be a life lesson to others. More more importantly it will be a good bereavement education for them. Its a nice metaphor for what is happening on the other side, if you like to think there is one.
Your children will laugh & smile & hum along to it. Just make sure you take some tissues for yourself. Beautifully Sad. Yep Disney have done it again.