Its the end of pride month & my Cineworld has been having a Pride season & the final film is Carol. I have never seen this before but always wanted too. So this is my opportunity to see it. Its really hard to track down as well, so lets go see this & see how good it is from almost a decade ago.
There was about 40 people in screen 1 with me which was good & i had my row all to myself which is always good. Proper mix of ages from 15 year olds all the way up to retired people. Clearly people love this film or cant find it like me, either way woohoo.
Trailers, Unicorns (never heard of it looks good), Wicked, Thelma (which looks so fun) & i cant remember what the other one was. It wasnt borderlands which i thought it might have been, maybe it was Trap.
& then the film started… Im now really heartbroken ive never seen this before, its beautiful.
Cate & Rooney were phenomenal. It was nice just to see their relationship blossom organically & it felt real. Even for the period it was set in, it felt like it was a relationship that grew over time, it just was beautiful & both gave amazing performances.
I love some cinematography, i really do. If youve been here long enough you will know i like Joker for that reason for a couple of shots. This film with the fall & winter colours & the coats & the weather & the styling & the vibe… pooh it made my cinematography near inside me have butterfly’s of joy. Its was a feast for the eyes & the score at points was wonderful.
I also genuinely forgot while watching it that what we saw was a flashback up to that point. So much so that when they got bakc to that point part of me went oooh yea we did kind of see this before. It was good at making you forget.
Now i dont trust Kyle Chandler after what he did to Ben Mendelsohn, but now he can do one after that betrayal & black mail & being a bastard. I mean its good acting obviously but nah he can jog on for sure. Boo to him.
But without him & his family being evil, im so glad she gets to shout at him in that solicitors office. HE bloody deserved it & it showed what so many women & families have to go though to get to see their kids due to one side being unreasonable. Its not fair on the kids. Thats why you had them do whats best for them.
I know LGBTQ+ attitudes were bad then, but some of the things they say to them or reference or insinuate isnt nice at all. Its just like no, we cant have that. I know weve improved (& coming for the capital of the community in the uk we are very liberal here) but theres still some places that stuff like this would happen. Never get anyone to “repair you” you are who you are.
The guy who assumed he loved her was a complete jock & dick. At no point had she ever said she loved him or been overly affectionate to him. Shed always just treated him like a good friend, but because he liked & thought she would do he just assumed she would love him & want to settle with him for marrying him. At least with the guy from the news paper, they had a connection, but the other guy he was a bit of a dick.
Sarah Paulson was in it for all of 4 scenes but damn she was good, i mean she always is, but whenever i see her in a film & not tv im always like ahhhhhhhh yes queen own it. She was tough love but was never anything but herself trying to protect peoples.
Whoever took the actual photos for the film, well done. They were lush. So beautiful & i love the mini dark room you made for the movie too.
& the end, was so emotional & just ended perfectly. I often sit here & go did we need that kiss or did we need that last scene, but no this one just got it spot on & im glad it ended with that look & frame.
This film won no oscars… what the hell… travesty (did just see the Alicia won so im not going to moan that much). But this deserved a lot more praise that it actually did. Its a beautiful real story which just grows & blossoms like the characters in it. Its well worth a search to find this peoples. Its very special.