Its been a while MCU it really has, but were back & we are going to see Captain America in IMAX, because you know what sometimes you just need to treat yourself a little bit. So why not. Also i believe this is the end of phase 5 so i think phase 6 is going to really kick off soon.
An IMAX screen is huge so its sometimes hard to see how many people are in the bottom tier, but I would say my 10:10 showing on a sunday morning was half sold out. A mix of ages in my section. I had a whole row to myself & my coffee, that was good.
Trailers… now if you are the MCU & in the last week youve had new trailers for F4 & Thunderbolts you put them on before this right… nope. Neither of them. I was a bit gutted, although i think the IMAX countdown had the F4 4 in it. Instead we had The new Batista cgi monster film, Sinners, another film i was like i aint bothered by this & then Jurassic Park. I dont do Dinos if youve been here long enough you know what im talking about, but Jonathan Bailey might make me go & see it, cos him in those glasses did something to me.
& then the film started… Stop hating on the MCU, it was fun.
Ive had several conversations with film & fandom peoples in the days before this & in the weeks following this film, so please just bare with me here while i rant.
The MCU & its fans are its own worse enemy.
It should have stopped at Endgame. Im sorry it should have done. All we knew that was happening after it was Spiderman, so maybe you could have made Spiderman films for a while & then come back after the blip with a new plan to reboot or continue, give us a break. These are meant to be fun action packed movies which can distract you from the doom of the world around you. How am i meant to remember 1 thing from one tv episode or something else. I dont want to watch agatha all along, she does nothing for me & wasnt my favourite part of wander vision. Or have to rewatch an episode of ms marvel for 1 reference. the MCU & Disney got too big for its boots & flooded us. Quality not quantity. Yes youve got lots of super heroes to play with, but am i going to remember the alternative Reed in doomsday when we get there (i mean i will because my Reed will be there being handsome) but does that make sense. I want to go watch super hero films, to see a villain get taken down, a couple of action set pieces & our hero be heroic. I dont need to have to watch a noir episode of Echo.
Sorry rant over… I do still love the MCU but its becoming a slog… Any how back to the review.
So the reason for that rant was because i really found this film very fun. ITs not the Winter soldier, oh god no, but were back to the fun cool MCU it was just after the avengers, it knew the story i t wanted to tell & it did try & get a lot in there, but it felt like it was trying to give it a boost again, to try & get us back to where we were. Because in hindsight lets be honest Deadpool last year was just fan service to get people back into the cinema.
I have had it with MCU villains now. Thats been 3 in a row that have been meh. Im sorry they have been. Im sure they have given it their all in the performance, but its also just like really. YEs out hero is meant to look good but its also very average & you really dont care if they live or die at the end. & then Giancarlo was better than the actual villain.
Anthony Mackie takes on the mantel very well. He is the perfect new captain america. Steve was right. He has his doubts, but damn when hes in a fight scene, he owns it. & hes not even got the serum. He is really going to have to get this new set of super heroes in line to do all of this soon, because some of them just wont work & yet hes got to own it. I think he & Sam can do it. & i love how he still uses his word & reason to prove a point (despite me saying to much MCU please watch that TV show as it continues caps story so well).
Harrison Ford debut was good. He is an old man now, but damn the way he does the scene of panic is incredible. HEs still got it. A lot of people said he didnt after the most recent Indi, but he has.
In fact that whole action scene going after the celestial (finally someone mentioned it) & the stress & the voice over, i was on the edge of my imax seat. Thats why you pay to see a film in IMAX because with the score & the noise & the action & the impending dreed, i was obsessed with it. Thats what the MCU should be & if were going to get more of that i will be very happy.
There were certain disney cliches that were in this & i was like okay i get that can we just move on from that now.
This should be for the casual MCU fan but with so many characters mentioned else where that youve not met before its not for them. But it should be.
If they had to mention Cherry Blossom once more i might have thrown a cherry blossom at them.
A nice little cameo at one point so much so the family in the row in front of me were more excited than me(which is saying a lot)
Interesting credit scene.
Im sure theres a fuck ton of easter eggs i missed out on. A second watch should sort that out.
This was fun, but it should have been more fun. Im really hoping Thunderbolts keeps the fun going next & then F4 surly will (if not my man will look lush). This isnt for your drop in fan though which is a travesty that one of the worlds best film franchises, cant be enjoyed by someone whos not seen some of the stuff thats come before it.