Because my odeon can sometimes be idiots & not show the films i want, i have to go else where for my fix, cue visit to Worthing on Wednesday Night for the bargain £3.50 film hehe.
Problem was my night did not start off so well, due to 3 sets of very rude elderly or much older but not elderly people in or around the venue. Im not going to go into it too much detail about it on here, but that fact no one apologised & i was called a entitled self-righteous rude millennial by one of them really pissed me off.
I got my revenge though there was a trailer for fighting with my family, which most of the cinema was appalled at haha let them suffer, they dont know the joy of the Rock, they dont deserve Paige & her house. HEHE. Other trailers were for Dumbo, Aftermath & there was an NT live one but i cant remember what it was for.
As i said i was lowering the average age but id say the studio cinema was almost full. You cant quite see downstairs from where i sat on the balcony so had not idea if that was full or not.
& then the film started but before i get to it i will let you know why i had to see this film.
The lovely Richard E Grant has been nominated for every award under the sun for this film including an Oscar, which is just amazing. But he has been owning the internet since his first nomination & its been magical. So i just one day a couple of weeks ago tweeted that he was owning it… & he only went & liked it & favourited it, & since then my phone & twitter freed on @popcorn_for_one has been going mad, because other people have seen this tweet. So thank you Richard for making my year, im not sure what else is going to beat this now this year film wise. But what an epic moment.
Any how film review time, lets start off with Mr Grant shall we hes the reason im watching this film, & he was the reason i liked this film. What a brilliant performance. Im pretty sure he was just overly playing an exaggerated portrait of himself, but it was stunning & funny & moving & he was the best thing about the entire film. Every line was on point he never dropped his game & it was just magical to watch & he deserves every bit of recognition he is getting. Unfortunately Mr Ali is winning the oscar not him, which is a shame. He should get a whiskers advert on the back of this after that stare down with the cat.
Melissa was good, but not as good as Grant & only oh wow when she was with Grant, i can see why shes got a nod, but i think there maybe some people a little bit gutted not to be in this category next week, who should be in it over her. Sorry Melissa.
There were time when the film did feel a little disjointed, im sorry to say. It wanted you on suspense to see if she would get caught & then if she did who would know, then wed go back to the cat then something else standard would happen then back to a thrill seek. It didnt have the correct balance & wasnt so much a suspense/heist film, but it wanted to leave some of that effect with you.
I did get emotional at the end, at the obvious bit, when you watch the film you will know when i mean. I didnt cry but i could feel it coming if it had kept going, but it cut it short which was nice.
It had some really sweet & funny moments too considering it was an emotional drama. It did make you smile & go hmmm oh yeah every now & then.
It did feel a little bit laboured though if im honest. I think we could have done with about 20mins less of it, there were bits that added to the story that were side bits & then there were bits that didnt that i dont think we needed.
I think i am in award season overkill now though, so im sorry for what i still have to see. Maybe if i had seen this film a little earlier on it would have liked it more. But i’ve seen some films & performances for Award Season that have received less recognition that this film that are better, & this ones just a bit meh.
Lets just say im very glad i’ve seen it & it does have its place, but its nothing to write home about… Except for Richard E Grant who deserves his place in the sunshine.
It was still better than The Favourite though.