& now the main event. The reason why i put myself through watching The Mercy. Time to go & see a one off screening of Call Me By Your Name at the Odeon.
Screen One which is the biggest they have,was packed & i mean pack. Im saying 85% full. thats what a £5.50 film does odeon you fill your screens up even at 8:15pm on a freezing wednesday night, when nones been paid yet. Do this more often for catch up films. Its a steel. Im guessing lots of people like me wanted to try & complete there oscar list before next week & decided to see it.
Trailers we had finding your feet again. Some weird one about this girl who comes out only at midnight, cant remember what it was called, Game night which still looks so funny & Lady Bird, which is my film for next monday. Which then means all i need is to see Get Out on sky cinema & im done yay.
So then the film began… Now thats an oscar worthy film. Wow. That was worth the wait & matched the hype. Just everything the academy looks for. The perfectly crafted film.
The quirky socially awkward nerdy kid, the big brave strong handsome american, the charming love story, the sub love stories that got in the way of the real love story, the subtitles for the Italian (but not French or German) The art on the walls on the tables, the costumes, the landscaping & visual effects, the weather even (fuck me im talking about snow). It was all just there going look at me im the one im the film pick me. Oh god.
Timothee Chalamet is getting a fuck ton of Kudos at the moment for this film (rightly so too) he is no Gary Oldman though. However how Armie Hammer is being over looked for the best supporting actor category, i have no fucking idea why. Okay again hes not Rockwell or Harrleson, but he is much better than Willam Defoe for the Florida project. He really is. This film is a two hander & if we are nominating one, nominate & give the same praise to the other.
I got very emotionally involved & believed this love story & so wanted it to work & go one & be happy. I laughed smiled & cried. In-fact i think the whole cinema did & one point (if you’ve seen it you will no what i mean) but there was one point when something happened in the relationship & the entire cinema kinda gasped & went noooo or oh man & then you just heard everyone start to sniff to stop there tears & uncontrollable blubbering. It really did take you to that place which was fitting & it was actually the right place to go.
So i now only have 2 oscar films left to go. Lady Bird & Get Out… They are both going to have to go some to beat this movie. What an absolute triumph of a film. Thats what a film the wins best picture at the oscar should be (or at least it should come second to Dunkirk im still sticking with you Chris). Its got a huge chance in the next few weeks people, its the best of the rest. Its so close to being perfect