This film is not aimed at my demographic at all really (except i am female & have read 50 shades) but other than that i am not the target audience for this. & yet when the trailer came out for this & i saw it it went, ive got to see this film it looks mad & hilarious & will probably be a little to american, but im sold let me see this film now. So here i am its Wednesday & im at the odeon lets do this meercats.
Lots of people off to go & see Chris Pratt in Jurassic, which i am now probably going to see (ive had enough people going your a film buff but you dont do dinosaurs… so i will be watching it next week at some point) other than that i think there was about 20 people in my cinema screen to see this, bit bad really.
Best advert i saw was the Oasis drink together dual bottle, thats brilliant. Good marketing people. Other than that we had trailers for Oceans 8 (bring it on girls) Fantastic Beasts 2 ( sold so so sold Potter forever) Mama Mia 2 ( which i will go & see but cant get my head around it being will from W1A) & then Patrick which looked brilliant, & so funny. Its about a pug & his new owner but its a Saunders Edmonson production so its going to be hilarious & wacky isnt it.
Then the film started… & it was average at best… i got more enjoyment out of the Oasis drink bottle advert.
Best thing about it was Andy Garcia popping up every now & then, but he has recently picked a string of bad or average at best films to be in. I think he needs to speak to his agent about the work hes getting. He was the best bit of the entire film.
Jane Fonda & Diane Keaton were funny too, & were much better than any other women in the book club, but both felt like they were fighting a battle in this movie. Didnt feel natural or an organic funny film, which with this kinda film, you need to be a bit more loose on.
That swan lilo was a good bit i liked that, but it was inevitable really wasnt it. The timing wasnt shocking & was a bit really. I want to know is how did they get onto the lilo with all that stuff & everything be dry in the first place & they’d been on there for a little while too? Its a bit unrealistic.
But not as unrealistic as her daughters. Oh my fucking god! they were over the top & too clingy & making there mum feel likes she 90 not 65ish. Nah me & littleun would never do that to Mama popcorn shes in safe hands, we wouldn’t treat her like that. I just wanted to punch both of those daughters in the face.
There should of been a lot more laughs shenanigans & drama in this film than there actually was. I was hoping the Viagra bit would at least provide that but nah it wasnt it just stopped after that one point. It all just became a bit too safe of a film & i was kind of sitting there know what was going to happen going get on with it already so i can get home to my dinner, we dont need to drag this out. for an example dont have an airport chase & then kind of give up on it half way through… idiots.
The life lessons in the film that they & their familys all learn too are completely pointless apart from the characters themselves. Its not going to effect the target audience, as they already should know all of this or they could see them coming from a mile away before we got to that point. Ahhh
As i said at the start i wasnt the demographic which is why its got an average review im sure 65-85 year olds laughed alot more than i did & would have had a bloody good time. but nah im not who they wanted to see this film. Shame that my random punt didnt pay off really. Darn it.