I see a little silouetto of a film… scaramosh…
Let’s see if this film is magnificoooooooo no no no no no no no oh mama Mia mama Mia. Time to see if this troubled film is worthy he wait or not & if it passes the test.
Cinema I’d say was half full which for a Thursday is pretty darn good & obviously there have been recent problems too.
Trailers we had Mary poppins, fantastic beasts, widows & overlord or outlawed what ever it was anyhow it was horror. Oh we had Halloween too nah no thanks.
& then the film started. &….
I know this is a really bad thing to say but it’s worth every penny for the last 20minutes of the film. It really is what a finally. I mean it was perfect the just perfect. I got goosebumps through the last 20mins I cried & wanted to sing along my foot was tapping, it was stunning. Thanks god for the amazing end credits for sorting me out otherwise i would have left a blubbering mess. It’s the closest I am ever going to get to see Freddie god bless him, but I wasn’t alive so apart from going to see Adam with queen this is as close as it’s going to get.
Oh if you spot Adam Lamberts cameo the first time you see the film well done. Now that I know i need to see it again just to see it. Glad that he got one tho.
Remi was amazing as Freddie he really was. Got him down to a tee. Everything with his performance was iconic & stunning. Other casting decisions were either inspire or hilarious or a bit wtf. I mean Mike Myers oh what a person to cast & to give him that line about nodding your head is just stunning. Tom Hollander as always is stupendous. & then you get the guy from midsummer murders as Brian May & Pete Beal from eastenders. All worked their socks off & deserved to be in this film but it was still a bit hang on whats happening here. Was distracting for a little while.
Lots of people have said this has slut shammed Freddie & made him look like a bad person, but if thats how it went down, thats how it went down we all know that so slut shaming i would say is a bit harsh. But i like that about this film. It didnt hide away from the crapness of the life or rock & roll & all that goes with it. The Joy & the highs & the lows & the regrets. I think it covers everything as to how good & bad it can get.
The Jamming recording sessions throughout the film were brilliant. Truly wonderful. Weather that was how they wrote some bits & came up with ideas i have no idea, but it properly was outstanding.
As i mentioned earlier it was hard not to get involved in the last 20mins (end credits i did) but the whole film was so hard not to sing along with & get up & start stamping & clapping along. You should be able to go & see it with this as an option i think.
Well i fucking enjoyed it. I dont care what the rest of you think. If you like queen this is for you & is a bloody good enjoyable watch. But that last 20mins does make you feel like youve had a day at the races or a night at the opera. Magnificooo.