We are running out of films days & times in 2019 for cinema trips so this week in an attempt to get to the magic 100 figure we are going 1 day on 1 day off. 3 in 5 days lets do this & lets start with the controversial one which made the news headlines for all the wrong reasons.
I had my chair in screen 4, i ts not as good as my chair in screen 2 but its pretty darn close. That being said i could of sat anywhere if im honest only another 4 people joined me to see this film, obviously the news has put people off seeing this film.
Trailers we had Queen & Slim, The Gentleman (the new long one), Jumanji & Just Mercy. A right weird set of films. Im not sure apart from Queen & Slim,if the aimed for target audience, would actually see the other 3 films. I could be proved wrong i mean after all i was there to see the film wasnt i.
& then the film started… its not my cuppa tea sorry. I know im not the target audience, but even if i was im not sure i would have overly enjoyed it.
I understand the message & what the films trying to get across & the metaphors, that is good & its a really hard hitting way to do it. For those who need to watch this film will get the message & it might change come attitudes to it.Morals & life lessons from it are so important in all walks of life, but mainly the target audience. & that is the positives for this film.
It is very badly acted. I know that they are young actors & are unknown but i feel that it should help the story as you dont know anyone in it. But it just made in cringy & awkward as to how bad it was. It looked liked it was a drama production at a high school which had got to bit to big for its boots & had an extra £250 for its budget.
I understand the narration of it however was very random it went from being constant to then not being on for like 20minutes. Also it was rapped & it was like flashbacks & then a music videos. It just felt awkward & forced & out of place. If it was throughout & all the time like following them like a shadow, that would have been better. Its just bad.
It does prove a point, but it just not a very good film. Im sorry i wish i could say more about it, & comend it more & praise its for doing it with the little budget. But i just didnt enjoy it at all. Sorry peoples