Do not adjust your screen. Yes this says cinema club 2024, not 2017. Cineworld are doing a scifi season & ive never seen this. Mainly because it was only a few years ago i saw the first one for the first time so it was time to watch it. Why not.
Huge kudos to cineworld. They had a 7pm showing but when that was almost sold out they put on an 8pm showing, much better for me so i went to that & got to sit in my favourite seat in screen 1 for it. A proper mis of ages which was good.
We did however still have 20 mins of trailers, godzilla, civil war & some weird film thats got no hype that coming out on friday called Dune 2… think it might be alright you know. HEHE
& then the film started… I might spoil this as lets be honest this came out over 5 years ago, so lets look at how cool this film was & how its growing like the original did many years later.
I genuinely forgot until 5 mins before we got to the building that Harrison ford was in this. Gosling was so good & so compelling & i was so engrossed that it was only when they got to that centre & the yellow orange haze that i was then like ooooh yea Harrison is in this. This is going to get cool. & Harrison was important & key & did do his part which was good but the plot needed those answers that he gave us. So often legacy sequels that bring in the older actors do just throw them in & then not care but here they did.
Gosling was fucking fantastic. We dont give him enough praise for his roles we really dont we should applaud him & celebrate him so much but we dont. HE just silently gets on with his acting & owns every role he has. He is perfect.
I worked out who the child was quite early on. I did. I never fell for the its Gosling angle. I can imagine some people would but it was very clever & good. & then when we met that person & they recognised the memories as their own it was a ahhhhhhhh im right then thats good.
The visuals were lush. They worked in lien with the original blade runner with how that world would have evolved, but also takes a few things from our here & now that you couldnt not have. IT was very clever & the score in the quiet moments was so good, goosebumps down the arms shivering going ooooooh. It all just worked.
Ana & Ryans relationship was beautiful. It was beautiful especially when it then end & how she feels for him & has a conscious at points. It just works. YEs the sex is very weird, but i get it & it was nice that they could both have that moment. YEs he just used that woman but still, that was her job. Must be weird to sync with AI to have sex though. You did forget at points that she was ai until we got to the end & there was the default sexualised version of her which i was like nooooooooooo.
Batista, turns up, wears glasses, looks moody, says something profound, lays the smackdown, dies. Bless him. But for those 10mins he was bloody good. & he died rather spectacularly
Leto is the worst part of the film. HEs not a good actor. I know method acting is good for some people but hes just not good at all. Again until he turned up i forgot about him. Thank god he was only in it for 15 to 20 mins total.
IT got violent when it needed to be. especially with birthing those replicants its like nah no thanks. I get that its cut throat & you need to earn your place (pun so intended) but it made me feel a little queasy.
The final show down was good but it was a shame it was all in the dark & lit by 2 lights submerged in water. That was a very random way to do it. & just felt odd. I mean i get it & yes they couldnt do the roof top again but still.
This is well worth a watch & im glad my first viewing of it is on the big screen & isnt full of all the hype. I think i might have been the only person who hadnt seen it before, but if the first one or scifi is your thing you will not be disappointed. Leto is the only thing that lets it down at all. We worth your time.