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Time for a favourite of cinema at the moment, the famous biopic. Yep everyone is loving these again at the moment so lets have another one shall we & this time is George Formans turn who i actually other than the Grill know very little about, so i look forward to learning about this. I saw this as a trailer a few weeks ago so i hope its going to be good & informative.

May Bank Holiday Part 1… on the 1st, so yea theres a few people here to see this. Not no many, im definitely lowering the average age, but yea theses about 20 people here with me which is pretty darn good.

Im going to be honest… im behind again, i cant remember the trailers i saw, but i know one was Oppenheimer which had someone gasp at it in my screening. But other than that i cant remember. Oh the new Ben Affleck film, that was one of them

& then the film started… Yea that was not the film for me im sorry it really really wasnt.

I know i am not the target audience for this film. I know that, but as a film nerd i need to appreciate work that i wouldnt normally see, thats how you find hidden gems. But with this… i just couldnt connect at all. I know my sport people trust me & i know a bit about George Forman but it was just so weird & odd & i just didnt connect to him or his struggle or his suffering or his glory. It just felt it was going through the motions because we hadnt had a biography film about someone famous in a little while. I just felt a little bit hollow.

I actually felt there were bits we skipped over little which you know im nota George Foreman biographer but i was like hang on were not going to talk about a b & c really. How can a film that drags also feel like it was rushed at points. For example how his first marriage really fell apart & what was going on in his mind. Like that all just felt like they had to mentioned he was married but then it was like & now that relationship is over. It felt like it was suddenly super glued into the story.

Please can people stop finding the lord in their lives in films at the moment. Ive had enough cinema. The first one was fine but this is like the 5th film in 5 months to do this to me no no no i aint doing this anymore. If you throw it down my throat again, i am going to automatically deduct a star from you. I mean i get that religion is important to people, i do understand that but its not becoming cliché. Its getting painful.

The actual boxing was solid to show the training & the fights, that was good & true & correct. I got that. So as far as a sports film it did a good job with that. It was also interesting how you saw the world of boxing change too. I liked that to show how time had moved on & how things are done differently later on in his career to when he started.

But it wasnt a sports film. It was meant to be a biopic depicting the drama. If they had gone for the sports angle more & not filled it with everything else which just didnt connect to me id have been like oh okay, but no it didnt. & that made me angry.

The grill & adverts got a mention, im glad about that.

Im sorry this was a complete let down. Maybe im now just done with the biopics now. It just didnt connect & i didnt enjoy it. Im sure someone out there adores this film… but its not me.

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