Right who’s done with talking to their family over christmas. I am (well for 24hours i am seeing them again tomorrow) So lets go see the 1pm showing of Better Man, the Robbie Williams Biopic. This is either going to genius or stupid there will be nothing in between.
My cinema was almsot sold out. Id say maybe 20 seats in screen 6 didnt have anyone in. Clearly everyone else is like im done with the family too. Millennials & older because lets be honest we are all the fans of his music.
Trailers Babygirl (im booked) A Real Pain(yes) Bridget Jones(yes) We Live in Time (so weird watching trailers for films ive already seen) & Here(preview is booked up)
& then the film started… HOLY FUCK!
Now when i left the cinema & was gob smacked, i was certain it was because i was a Robbie fan & that i knew the story & felt everything he went through as we as millennials all watched that growing up. He was the soundtrack to our childhood. So i left giving it 5 out of 5 going well im the target audience, of course im going to say that was incredible.
& then the Americans got it, about 2 weeks later & they were all like im not seeing that. Who is this unknown popstar whos a CGI monkey, nah nah… It bombed in America. However those who have seen it because they love cinema all left & have been on Insta, Twitter & TikTok going HOLY FUCK as well. So turns out it is fucking incredible, it wasnt just me & most of my cinema thinking that.
The CGI monkey bloody worked so so well. If it had been someone as Robbie, i wouldnt have worked. But theres something about a monkey doing drugs & fighting his demons which is quiet sad & doesnt make that life glamorous. It was also very clever how the moneys fur & stance changed was he got more famous & did more things, i mean when he went blonde in real life so did the monkey. What an amazing metaphor though, Robbie has always said im a jerk & see myself as a money being paraded to perform especially in his youth, so it really worked.
Songs, obviously banging, okay the order of them was a little bit odd, bit like rocket man but you genuinely forgot how many bangers that man has in his collection. We all remember Angles obviously, but ooooh they just kept coming. The way they did Come Undone & Something beautiful, i loved that (big love to the guy playing Guy Chambers). Obviously Rock DJ takes the lime light, & it is a banger (always has been) but i got home & put on my CD of Robbies greatest hits & sang them very loudly.
I love how the film ends & the thing they show you for how he found his calling & got to be what he wanted (its real life you can google it). But i clearly remember being about 13 & that being on tv & it was recorded on the monday & then was shown on the BBC on the friday night & sitting there watching it again at the cinema gave me goosebumps, a proper trip down memory lane.
The film tells you Robbie Played Knebworth… Doesnt tell you he sold it out 3 nights in a row & night 3 was live to the country on channel 4. It was iconic. See the mans a national treasure.
Im glad we got Take That too (ive had to do lots of explaining about them over the last few weeks to people around the world). Their casting was spot on especially Gary. Well done who did that you deserve a pay rise.
There was a lot of foot tapping &head bopping even to the score because it had bits of his songs in. But i also felt very emotional watching it & i cried, yep at the very end, a few tears fell. I was not expecting that at all.
I loved that it was actual Robbie telling the story too & that it just ended & didnt do the whole oh this this this thing.
I completely forgot about the Nicole Appleton thing until that Boat & then i was like oh fuck this is going to hurt a lot.
I dont want to say anymore because the mans life is Batshit & that really does all happen.
Basically if you have ever enjoyed Robbies music you will lap this up.
If your are a cinefile you will adore it.
If you enjoy a biopic its a breath of fresh air.
This film just slaps & im now looking back at it goign why didnt it make my top 20 films of the year, beacuse you know what it was bloody spectaular.