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We are already up to cinema trip 23… oh wow. Yea i’ve done a lot of watching haven’t i. Oh well you all love me for it. So it time to go a film which is exactly why i have my limitless card, because i wouldn’t have seen it. Ben is Back.

I can hear you all no going say what… never heard of it. I’ve only seen the trailer for it twice. Once in the cinema & once on you tube thats it, no other times at all. & i think that says a lot about the crowd that was in screen 8 for this film on 2 for 1 tuesdays. There was a group of 3 & that was it. Them who were near the front who had already got there before me & me that was all there was to see it.

Trailers we had Wild Rose (not bothered), White Crow (looks good but my odeon arent showing it) Tolkien, (meh) & something else i cant remember what it was but i know it had a very intriguing cast like ooohhhh. Darn it. Its not like ive been to the cinema much this week & all the trailers have blurred into one. It wasnt Red Joan by the way i would have remembered that. Ah (one Wikipedia look later) it was Greta that was what it was it looks good.

& then the film started… This isnt going to be everyones cup of tea this film, but i got really emotionally attached to it & thoroughly enjoyed it if i can say that & it doesnt make me sound like im a bad person.

Lucas Hedges is a star. HE really is & do you want to know why… he looks & acts normal like the rest of us. Hes not 6ft6 with floppy hair & rug-ish good looks. & thats what makes him a good actor, you believe him & you can see yourself in him. When i tried to explain who he was to my mama she went nah never heard of him & then i provided the evidence that she had & she went oh yeah he is bloody good isnt he. So when you see him struggling in a film, you know you would do the same in that situations. Thoroughly believable in the roll & an astounding performance.

Then we go to the other end of the spectrum & star power with Julia Roberts, who is the worlds most cinema mum & nails it. Okay i would hope that my mama wouldnt be as naive & stupid as some of the things she does says or believe in thsi film, but then again i dont think me or littleun have put her in this kind of extreme situation. She still delivers though.

The rest of the supporting cast are really good too, all adding to it in either deceit, love,anger or desperation. & the dog. I love that dog (not as much as Goose) but i spent a good deal of time being worried for that dog. good old pooch.

I like the fact that you never truly do find out exactly how or why or the full story you are just ever so slowly given the back story as to why things are going on & how they have come to be there, its a good way of doing it. It keeps you going to the end to see how it does all end on Christmas morning.

Does this count as a christmas film? They do actually go to church & sing carols so… im going yes.

I like how it dealt with the struggle of real life & the pressures & the emotions of it all no matter which back ground you have & that even in some peoples darkest hours they can still be your comfort or you can be theirs. It does show the best & worst in people. The kindness of others is worth tenfold & this film celebrates that at points & then kick you in the balls to tell you nope man up this is real life.

I cried at an obvious bit. Not afraid to admit that.

If you have a teenager thats going slightly off the rails i suggest you let them find this film to watch. It will break your heart & theirs & will bring you both closer together again & they may realise that all of what you do for them is because you love them.

Heartbreaking & beautiful. This maybe the undersold & surprise film of the year. Theres os much buzz about other films & whats to come, that this has just slipped under the radar & people are missing something so emotionally stunning & real & earthy. As i said the subject matter may-not be your cuppa tea, but give it a brew people. It wont disappoint.

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