Back to back films again tonight. Stop putting films on at the wrong time peoples (Odeon) its a right pain it really is. But you know it still good fun.
Today was all about collecting the films that would be up for oscars…. yea that didnt happen for either of them really which is a shame, so lets see Steve Carells next attempt at getting a nomination.
Screen 2 was pretty busy half full i’d say which is pretty darn good (meerkat wednesdays always does help a bit effeminately). An older than me audience in genral but not old or old old if you get me Id say late 40s mid 50s ish for age.
Trailers we had Destroyer the Nicole Kidman one, Vice, Green Book & Alita Battle Angle which the trailer is so up its arse its completely put me off seeing this film entirely.
& then the film started… & it was very emotional & moving & properly gripping.
I have never done drugs or been addicted to any substance where it controlled my life, so have no experience about it. But watching Timothees performance was mesmerising & everything you it had to be. How that man didnt get an oscar nomination is truly beyond me. It just Baffels me.
Carells was good & gut wrenching too, but when the two were together it was full of love joy & heartbreak & was just so believable & a double act (not in a funny sense) but they bounced off each other & their emotions perfectly.
I just wanted to sit down with the two of them & tell them both it was all going to be okay & not to worry it will all work out in the end.
Some of the film wasnt liner & was out of the time line which was nice, but it needed to be more brave with it. After a certain point it kinda stopped entirely. Do it through out dont then suddenly just go right were now telling this in real time. Nope bad decision that.
One film irritates me with these films & tv shows. The afforded health cars & that house & college & rehab & yet he was free lance writer & she painted random trees, but yeah of course you can have a massive house like that. Does my head in.
Everything, now really does mean everything. So sweet & lovely. I was crying watching that.
I like the fact it didnt hide away from the demands of drugs & pain & the suffering. It tried really hard to make it look bad & painful & not glamorised.
A really emotional watch, maybe not for you if you have teenage kids, but stunning & worth a watch. Maybe show this to 16 year olds going forward.