Wait we’ve been here before haven’t we… well not quite.
After saying for the next few week I will be quiet on here due to holiday something magical happened. My girlfriends (Kirsty Kerrie & Tara) & I decided after hearing about an outdoor cinema that we should go to it on a quieter night. So we did & guess what they were showing at 9:15… baywatch!
None of them had seen it before so it was a chance for them to enjoy it & a chance for me to relive the film again & get the bits I missed on the first time.
First of all it was €7 which ain’t to expensive when you think about it. There were rows of 8 chairs about 15 rows on each side of them. & id say for a Sunday night was pretty full obviously I don’t know what there full is could be that 10 is full to them.
Popcorn for €2 yes please, was only salted which is fine by me it’s my preferred flavour but some of my girls don’t like it.
They also all had tables to put our stuff on & there was a 10 min interval at the half way point. Which was nice friends went & got more slushes.
Trailers was apes transformers & going in style which I have already seen too.
The film was as funny as I remembered it was before. If not funnier as a knew but we’re coming up like that dance oh man I was cracking up before had. & then still laughing throughout.
We had a huge argument on the way home as to who was hotter the rock or zac effron I think zac won just.
Greece has no age limit on there films a kid aged (&a I ain’t exaggerating here) 8 walked in with his 10 year old brother wtf they say fuck so many times in this film & there are a lot of dick Jokes.
Also the subtitles didn’t bother me which was good although I’m Greek Samsung is still Samsung.
All my friends really enjoyed the film & said it was hilarious which is glad to hear we’ve recently had some arguments about films while being away which has made each of us at different times why we are actually friends it’s got a bit like that.
I loved the film as always & think it’s actually better now iv seen it a second time. If you actually want a review of the film cinema Club style it’s linked here. But this experience for me was all about doing the outdoor cinema which was beautiful under the stars & moon. Something I suggest everyone does at least once.