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Part 2 pf my 24h of Barbenheimer… woohoo
Okay yes i technically didnt do them on the same day, but in a 24h period still counts right? Right? Good. I had no intention on watching this so quickly but my saturday afternoon plans were scuppered by the weather, so here i am watching Barbie.

Im gonna say before i start, i have never been an anti Barbie movie person, oh god no. It was film 9 on my hitlist for the year, however I am 1billion percent team Oppenheimer so you know. Im sorry i wasnt fully on the Barbie hype train, i was, its just In Nolan We Trust.

My local cinema for the 12:45 showing was half full, which isnt bad. I went to the one which does more theatre than cinema so people tend to forget theres films in they show movies. I also stupidly missed booked my seat so i was much further forward than i thought i was going to be. Oh well. Not as many kids as i thought there would be for the film.

Trailers, OPPENHEIMER!(they are showing it on alternative days to Barbie apparently so they are still advertising it so that threw me) ninja turtles, wish, Mrs Doubtfire(for their classics season) & theatre stuff.

& then the film started… I was expecting it to really decent but i didnt think it was going to be that fucking good.

I did not expect Barbie to make me ball my eyes out, or give me an existential crisis but it did. I blubbered a lot at the end of act 2 / start of act 3. I am valued, i am seen & i am proud to be a woman. Oh damn. Yea that hit home a little bit too much for sure. So yea take your tissues people. I needed wipers for my glasses. Movie you didnt need to go that hard with that monologue.

Im Just Ken Anywhere Else Id Be A 10…ahhhhh its gonna be this Vs Peaches at the Oscars this year isnt it? & its going to be insane. Hehehehe

Margot as Barbie in all the different bits of being Barbie in Barbie world & in the real world was fantastic. So cool & clever & i love how she was both so happy & then also did just fall apart, especially hen she just lies on the floor cos its too much.

I was not expecting that person to narrate at points & also for that person to call shit out yesssssssssss. Loved it.

The entire soundtrack is perfection & the score. It just works. I mean dont get me started the Kens favourite Song is Push by Matchbox Twenty… I actually loudly gasped in my screening when that was revealed. My little mind could not cope with that at all.

The whole feel of Barbie land was insane & just worked. I dont think ive ever seen so much pink in all my life. & i also love the barbie dream house (& what happens to it) & the discontinued Barbies. I loved having a skipper when i was younger, she was an epic Barbie. I loved it & i then also loved the comparison to the real world to & how the vibe was different. So good so interesting to see. The Car & the way all the bits inside Barbie land work to. ITs so how you would use barbie as a toy too.

Can we also talk about how to get in & out of the real world. I loved that & the dedication into making that. It takes up about in total like 4mins of the entire film, but the dedication to that, it just makes it feel right & real & im glad they nailed it. Every movie needs a montage.

& i loved the little bit on the bench dont let anyone tell you that isnt powerful, its perfect & proves studio executives dont know what they are talking about.

Its so well written. It doesnt dumb it down for kids. Oh god no. This is a family film but not for your 5 year old for you 9 year old. They need to get most of the references, this isnt for you little princesses.

I get why the end of it after the show down dragged a bit, but everyone had learnt their lessons, we didnt need an extra like 5 more people chatting before everyone decided what they were going to do going forward. Ive noticed this with a few of Greta films. Its like she wants to drum it in to us, but as someone whos already got the point, i dont need it explained to me again & then once again. Thats the only reason this didnt get top marks.

Barbie will easily win the weekend, for sure. Its a fantastic film & i smiled & laughed & cried & tapped my feet along to it. You cant go wrong with a bit of Barbie. It just works & it makes you feel happy & like youve had an amazing time. Its worthy of the love its getting. However good you think Barbie is going to be… it will be better than that.

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