Time to go see a monday film peoples oh yeah. Welcome to the El Royale let’s see what it has to offer.
My odeon as you all know is open again, & now I’m hoping to play catch up with the films I’ve missed. The gods are against me with some though. I don’t think I’m ever going to get to go & see SmallFoot which is a huge shame as it was on my lost of films to see this year. Darn it oh well. Here’s hoping this one is good. I do believe that’s the first time Small Foot & El Royale have been mentioned in the same context.
Screen 6 has about 40 people in there which for a Monday night is pretty good it’s also still light warm & sunny out too. This is a very weirdly advertised film too, so have no idea of the target audience & couldnt gauge it either.
Trailer we had Widows, The girl in the spiders web, bohemian & overlord which looks really odd, like seriously wtf is going on there. Even tho it’s a JJ that doesn’t look like it’s for me peoples. Good luck seeing that.
& then the film started…
I got frustrated let’s put it that was by 2 things as I had 2 pressing questions which had sub questions throughout. Number 1 who was management of the hotel (& then sub question later through film as it will spoil it) & Number 2 who was in the video (again follow ons)? Those were what I wanted to know through out. Two hugely pressing questions. We’re either fucking answered? NOPE NEITHER NONE OF THE SUB ONES IVE NOT MENTIONED EITHER!!! See I’m angry I’m typing in caps. Every other question or oh I wonder why or what or how etc I didn’t actually care about or they were answered to quickly.
There was a question I had for John Hamms character but if you’ve seen it you will know why I don’t care anymore it all happened so quick that I knew i wouldn’t get an answer. It wasn’t worth thinking about either.
Everyone did act their arses off in this film & by everyone I mean everyone however it still didn’t save it unfortunately. Too much over acting just makes it all seem a little false. None of the characters except for John Hamm did I care about so felt no connection to them & didn’t care if they died.
The flash back kinda bits should have helped with that but nah just made it feel more meh. They were clever & offered more of an insight into each individual guest but as I didn’t care for anyone it get a little lost with it.
We didn’t need to go to war in it nope we didn’t wasn’t needed didn’t add anything to the film.
Chris Hemsworth spends most off the film with his shirt off & acting like a drunk hippie… that’s good enough for me to give this film a better rating than it should get.
It had a long run time so I wanted to know more from what I was watching & for it to mean something more or go else where & not just limp out of it.
It’s a grey film. It wasn’t bad it’s wasn’t good it was just meh & a film with this run time & set up I need answers to all my questions. It’s not really worth pondering over anymore. I’ve seen the film & that’s that. Move on to the next film girl that should be better.