12 days without the cinema has come to an end yay film time people’s. Let’s do this.
Half full cinema pretty good films been out almost a week so mondays maybe aren’t the best day to see a film.
Trailer wise all films I want to see Logan Lucky, The Dark Tower & Detroit & that was it 3 trailers I know wow.
& then we got to the film….
Oh man again another miss from Hollywood targeting one set of people with the trailer but not the actual target audience. It was so disappointing.
Charlize Theron as the lead gave me nothing one of the worst acting performances iv seen all year & that’s saying a lot. I didn’t believe her as a spy or as an action hero or as a sophisticated person none of it. Iv seen better action fight scenes in Bridget Jones for seriousness. I just didn’t buy into her at all & as a lead your meant to have some sympathy for them.
James Macavoy was okay he was the only good bit of the entire film. The fact that you didn’t know if you could trust him or not made him more likeable actually. I’d have preferred to have seen what put him in that situation than follow the Charlize story.
The trailers made you think you were watching an action comedy film. All the jokes but 1 were in the trailer. & if you wanted an art house action film it missed those marks too.
& then there was the ending & then the ending & then the ending & then the… you get my point it had 6 places it could have stopped the film without it being too drawn out & it just decided it was going too.
Also not sure why it had to be against the Berlin Wall falling down as a back drop it was like it didn’t really matter to the film apart from on 3 occasions & all of those were just used so then we could have a bigger fight & miss the point again.
Also I know I’m a woman but why did an action film that the trailer was aimed at both men & women suddenly half way through five us a lesbian sex scene which kinda come out of nowhere? Like completely out of no where we’ve just met the other female character & 1min later they are having sex. Not needed unless you making a lads film.
So moral here is Hollywood needs to rethink its advertising for this film aim it at blokes who don’t care about history who want to watch an action film with no sole no promise & no real end game too it.
Absolutely crap film joint worst film with assassins creed as not even macavoy could save it. Truly rubbish.