6pm rush from work to see a rom com im not bothered by. Yea that is how seriously we are taking the 100 club this year. That im doing this. Im going to see a naff rip off of much a do about nothing, just to try & get to the 100 club for movies. Yep thats me. But you know apparently its got unwritten in it so lets see shall we.
I love that 6pm films that have been out for awhile at cineworld have less advert & trailers, i love that. So the other 20 people in my screening had also worked that out too so that was good (everyone was a millennial by the way). But yea only having trailers for Madam Webb, Dune & The colour purple (which is always odd when youve seen the preview) was good.
& then the film started… so a couple of years ago i sat here & said we dont need a good rom com every year, we just need a good one everyone 3 years to keep us going & we got it with Anyone But You.
I was full on expecting this to be completely bland & boring, especially with last years Rom Com record, because none of them were any good. Also its loosely based on Much a Do about nothing which i know really well, so i was like this might get a few laughs, but no i was laughing & going yep i see that trope so much in modern life now. IT just worked.
I laughed a lot
I cried at the finale
I rolled my eyes at the cliches & that it called itself out too
& my heart melted.
Yea thats everything you need in a rom com.
& two very sexy leads with epic chemistry. From the moment the meet cute happens to the fall out & enemies to lovers tropes & then the finale. It just worked. Glen & Sydney should be very proud of what they made & how it was acted & portrayed. The supporting cast did enough too, especially with the over the top acting at points, which was needed for the story. It just did so work so much. I mean Glen Powell is fit as fuck, its not hard to hate a rom com if hes the lead is it. Damn!
Ive been sitting here for weeks going why is Natasha Bedingfield back in the chart… this is why & its a fucking banger years later & yes all millennials have a calming or hype song, thats not weird. & i love how it was randomly put in at points in the film & then the end credits… ahhh that was proper old school end credits vibes i loved it. I was laughing & humming along as my screen emptied. I was the last person to leave i was more than vibeing.
It showed of Shakespeare as well, it didnt forget its roots & origins. It was subtle with them at point & bleeding obvious at others but it was a good mix. There was one line which someone then said nah wrong play. I laughed a lot at that, almost choking on my coffee.
It showed modern life so well & what we are expected to do as millennials & gen Z generations & how people believe we should act a certain way & the pressures we have on our lives when we just want to be us & live our lives & those pressures come from everywhere too.
The bit on the boat is what people will remember from this, but for me it was both grilled cheese toasties… ahhhhhhh thats a real life situation & not learning & accepting. Both times it was cute & so sweet & set you up to just go awwwwwwwww or yes.
I should be sitting here going this is predictable & cliché & just standard, but sometimes if you get it right you get an absolute banger of a movie. Yes its not going to win any awards, but if you get the sweet tone spot on & know exactly what you are, it just works & hits home. This film did that so well.
I genuinely cant think of a bad thing to say about this. Go see this with your partner or your friends. You will have an amazing time & leave the cinema smiling.