Who decided to go to the cinema at 10:40am on a sunday morning, me thats who. Why why did i decide that. Well to see Ant Man in screen X without hundreds of people. Yes i did completely forget this was out, my bad until i went to see Magic Mike, thats why i didnt go opening day. So yea im here & lets do this in Screen X
Considering you pay more for Screen X & its so early on a sunday, id say it was 40% full which is pretty good. Familys with kids about 12 years old was the main demographic, but the group in the row in front of me were all millennials & were busy discussing the lore of the MCU which was nice to over hear.
Trailers… John Wick (yes) Scream (no) Fast X (yes hadnt seen that on the big screen) Shazam (yes probably) & 65 (yes) so not that bad & obviously the long Screen X Advert to get you used to the screen.
& then the movie started… Oh Paul Rudd, i am so sorry you got stuck with this as your final outing as Ant Man. Its a good film but argh its not an Antman film, im sorry.
Ant Man & Paul Rudd should be funny. Should have me laughing all over the place, but no. I think i laughed maybe 4 times in my screening. 4! This is meant to be the MCUs light relief each phase, but no. It had to do so much to link Phase 4 & the Tv shows & set up Phase 5 plus give us a loads of exposition as to what was going on in the movie that it just lost its way & was a passenger of its own design. I felt sorry for An Man he wasnt even the main reason for his film.
Bill Murray completely underused, im sorry he was. Dont hire that genius to be in the MCU & then fail him with poor writing urgh. Not good.
There were part of the CGI world they made that looks like other parts of disney. Im sure there was a section from black panther used & part of star wars too. It felt a little bit lazy at times. Come on Marvel. These are the films we obsess over & your just going to copy & paste. If you add a sky beam i will not be happy.
There was one character is was not expecting which was a nice surprise. & so was the end credit scene, which i had no idea about & i actually audibly said holy shit when they appeared… yea sorry to the people in screen x for that.
You know who i missed Luis. I missed him & his crazy crew. Turns out they were what made the first 2 movies fun. Not even as a credit scene. Nope no no. I was gutted. Not even a reference. I know we had a lot of stuff to cover to set shit up but it really lacked by not having him. Also where were the rest of Cassies family? yea Luis could have maybe explained all the exposition in a post credit scene in normal terms but no.
Screen X did do the creation of this new world justice it made it beautiful for all its CGI glory.
Other than Kang (who is good at a proper first glance) i dont think we met the new characters long enough to care about them, so when it got to act 3, it wasnt as high risk as i thought it would be.
The funniest bit was the intro the outro & drink the goo. Other than that it was pretty standard.
I have learnt a lot about how this is going to affect phase 5 & whats to come, but did we really have to sacrifice the fun part of the mcu for that. Especially with all the content we have to keep up with now. It just felt a little out of place & lost in its own movie if you get me.
I know where im heading now & as far as a set up for the wider picture its good, but as far as an Ant Man Movie & what i expected, i was a little upset by it. Im sorry sorry Paul Rudd, your last solo MCU film deserved so much better.