Here something iv never understood about my local independent cinema in Worthing… It’s sponsored my Vauxhall! Yes seriously. Surely that means it’s not independent? Oh well when you can take £2 beer into a movie it’s always good I guess.
The Worthing Dome has a large cinema downstairs with sodden seats that goes back for miles & a balcony around the edges. That was showing mission impossible. Upstairs is the other cinema you can fit about 80 people in there on a smaller screen with a fuck load of leg room & those Odeon premier chairs that they used to have. Only downside you do have to book your seat in advance.
So I was kinda shocked that the only person in the same row as me picked the seat next to me ( I booked my seat 1st btw in Thursday afternoon for Friday night) he said he’d been at the dome all day as he took his kids to see minions & didn’t enjoy it (what). So then he asked why I was here on my own. Instead of saying the truth which was can’t I go to the cinema on my own? I said the following. Well you can decide if my friends bailed on me or if I’m a film reviewer back from holiday playing catch up? He was quiet after that. Technically I do review films just the ones on DVD tho. Although if you go to see a film surely you review it what ever, you make an opinion on it.
Anyhow I was looking forward to Ant Man but not as much as other marvel films. However I was pleasantly surprised & I really enjoyed it. It’s a film that even if you don’t watch all of the mcu you can enjoy on its own.
There are 2 credit scenes. Lots of people left before the first one which is bad, including the guy next to me who when he left said I hope it was up to your standard, clearly brought the reviewer bit. & then almost everyone left before the last one. The guy cleaning the cinema yelled don’t go yet there’s one more & it will blow your mind. so me & about 7 other people Sat in the back row talking about the mcu for 7mins waiting for the final part… And when it came it blew our minds.GAHHHHHH.
Paul Rudd & Michael Douglas were good.
Everyone by now knows in phase 2 each film has a arm chopping off. Didn’t see it in ant man any ideas people. If you could help with this without spoiling it for others that would be greatly appreciated.