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I feel like i know these guys personally. I dont. Ive never met them & probably never will. However after last October hearing their story about the tragedy behind this film about the guys daughter dyeing & her influence on making it & the struggles they all went through to get this done, i was very moved. So much so that when it got to Oscar evening (watched the monday afterwards) i was sitting there going come on lads you can win this & when they did i welled up a little. My mum asked why this was important & i told here their story & she was like fuck me that should be a film in itself. So yeah i feel connected to this before we even start… It had better be worth the wait.

I am actually paying to see this film. I know i pay to see all my films but it comes out once a year from my bank my cinema money so technically after a certain point i watch for free. But yea our other local cinema opened for the first time since February 2020 on monday so its time to frequent there studio. Otherwise i have to go to Guilford to watch this film & i missed the advanced preview at my cineworld as it was the england game.

I lowered the average age. Everyone else in the cinema was mid 50s at the youngest. I know im not young anymore at 31 but still you know. bout 12 people in total id say.

The cinema liked to keep reminding us to wear our masks through out the film didnt they unless you eat or drink.

Trailers, No Time to Die (YESSSSSSSSSS) Dune (YESSSSSSSSSSSSS) The French Dispatch (YESSSSSSSSSSSS havent seen a trailer or anything about that in a little while whoop). I mean that all tickles my fancy hurry up september 30th for Bond please please please.

& then the film started… Ohhhhhh im so happy i saw this i really really am happy.

One criticism of the film which isnt the films fault. So its in Danish so we get english subtitles throughout okay. There are a few point where they are typing about their alcohol experiment, & it appears on the screen while its being typed in danish, thats cool. But the English is also typed like that in the same way. So you are being drawn to both set of writing like that & it just get confusing & your head goes hang on what am i reading again.

I hadnt drunk anything before i got to the cinema or while i was there watching the film, i was driving. But seeing them all drink so much & laughing & being somewhere very hot & seeing all that fun, when i left the cinema i felt like id been on the night out with them. Now thats a bloody clever way to make a film. I mean i wasnt drunk but it had the same endorphins in my system that i do when ive had 2 glasses of red.

I like how the experiment is set into 3 bits & its all over the place & the film has 3 distinct parts to it to, the pre drinks the drinks & then the come down (& one for the road at the end but that doesn’t matter). The film is a night out.

I love the school set up & the lesson, thats a brilliant way to show how its affecting them & their pupils its amazing & i love it. The history & music is good, but the PE with Specs brilliant. Heart-breaking later but still brilliant. I told my parents about the heart break & mum was like how did you not cry & i was like im shocked at myself.

Is vodka meant to be served that cold? I dont have enough room in my freezer for mine darn it.

Everyone in it acts amazingly, i love it. I mean Mads is the draw & the link to everyone but not knowing who the rest of the m are just makes it more real & like it could be something these people do do.

It is a male midlife crisis in a film yes, but did i enjoy it… Yes
Would i recommend it… yes
Did it live up the award season hype… defiantly.

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