I am up for the cinema at 10:30 am on a Saturday. I have already done a workout, watched an episode of thrones & put the washing out. I am up for a reason, tomorrow i have to get up at half 5 in the morning to watch the F1. I know its my choice, but there is a small chance we could win the world championship tomorrow, i am not missing that. So yea im having an early rise & im at the cinema to see the Star studded Amsterdam.
So lets start with the important thing… COFFEE! Yep it was time to see if anyone at Starbucks could make my Mandalorian Coffee. It took some explaining as to what i wanted & then they went ahh we havent got the cold brew on at the moment, but we can chill a double Americano for you. So almost right. A good first try peoples, i appreciate the effort.
There was about 20 people in my screening for this. Id say either my age so early 30s or 50 year olds, there was no one else there if im honest. I was expecting a few more but it was early.
Trailers Oppenheimer (i need a new trailer now please), She Said (yes), Emily (advanced screening is booked) Bones & All (Yessss) & The Banshees (yes i hope we get that at cineworld its the kinda film that wont get to brighton tho) so lots that i want to see there.
& then the film started… & it was going so well until it wasnt… URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
So it was very clever & stylish & has all sorts of clever meaning & was at the right pace & was just going yes yes. We were aiming for this Gala at the end of the film, where from the moment they mentioned it in Act 1 we knew shit was going to go down. However from the meeting in the Gala until the end of the film, it was an absolute shambles. Seriously i just sat there going, hang on they are painting this like we are all meant to be shocked at this revelation, & yet i had worked it out much earlier on & then i was like nah theres got to be more behind this & then they dumbed it down & then it didnt hit the ending. & in those last 20mins the film went from a 4.5 to a 3 star film (which is generous) & i am the queen of calling out netflix films for not sticking their endings, so i am going to moan at this too. We are not all idiots hollywood. We dont need everything explained to the ninth degree. It fell apart from every angle.
Christian Bale was so good, i mean i think that is a given if im honest. But considering, he was the stand out performance in this film he really was. John & Margot were fab too, but Bale was the glue that held the entire thing together, you could really feel that whenever he was on screen others upped there game quite a bit.
Now i love Taylor Swift, she has written some of the best songs in the last decade & she is amazing. But please could she stick to the Singing & song writing. I know other musicians have gone into acting & nailed it, but she was very weak in the few minutes she was in this film. So much so that when the moment happens i was like well at least shes now no longer in the film.
It also did become a cameo show at points, when people kept popping up in this film, it was then like ahhh they are in this & then the next & then the next. It was showing off your phone book a little a times. & because of this there wasnt enough De Niro or Olyphant to properly show themselves off to their full potential.
More upperty people in film, looking down at us as an audience (even before the last 20mins) & also quite a few characters in the film too. I hate upperty people, will they piss off please. They were all complete dicks too.
It was very cool & stylish & fun when it wanted to be & that was when i think the three of them worked best together. Especially during the flashbacks that took up most of act one & the whole attitude to war that was going on & status. That all felt right & was handled well considering it could have been poorly done & not created tastefully. See it got the hard bits right but not the easy ending.
I loved her art as well. I was looking at that going ahhh thats so imaginative & cool & people would have done that. It was very clever to see that method &in those bits of art you could see so much about where the film was going in a good way.
Its just such a shame the end treated us the viewers as idiots & spoon feed what we had already worked out. Since i have seen this film ive talked to others who have seen it & agree this is the case, so its not just me being a film nerd who felt this.
Was the film worth the early wake up nah not really, its such a shame. So much potential to then just fail your finale…
oh & the f1 was eventually worth it we were crowned world champions at 9am. WOOOHOOO (tho that was controversial too, but this isnt an f1 blog… oooh thats an idea… no Emile no…