So lets go see the 4:50 showing of Aladdin the live action version of the disney cartoon we all love. There is one problem though before we even go & see this film. The Genie is not being played by Robin Williams for the sad reasons of his passing almost 5 years ago (omg it was that long ago shit). I still havent had the courage to watch Mrs Doubtfire since then as i will be an emotional wreck. & i now cry at all of his films even one hour photo & insomnia where hes not a very nice person in either. He changed voice over for animation forever, & was just the greatest Genie ever… Good luck Will you are really going to need it.
Screen 4 id say was almost full probably about 20 seats that were empty in the screening. It was every single age group as well. A couple who sat near me i would say were mid to late 60s who had obviously watched this with their kids years ago & now possibly grand-kids, who had come to seethis together (i’ll tell you their feed back in a bit). But it really was for everyone this screening.
Trailers we had Angry Birds 2 (nope not even for free will i be seeing that) A really tame Xmen trailer & then we had the Lion King which is the first time ive seen the full long one in the cinema omg ekkkkkkkkkkkkkk bring it on. But then that was blown out of the water with the brand new (like 36hour old) toy story 4 trailer. In those 3 mins that went from a film i was a bit meh about & then by the end of it i was going get me to Andys room now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Bring it on.
& then the film started…. lets go back to that older couple people shall we so i can tell you about what they thought of the film. Oh that was just lovely & everything we wanted & more. Well said older couple well said.
My inner child & nostalgia side was full of pride & wonder at it. & my adult culture film goer was going oh yes this is doing everything it can & hitting it out of the park. Mainly because it was basically an exact remake of the original. We’ve had a few disney live action remakes in recent years that have tried to go completely differently & just give it their own twist especially with the directors it had, which with this having Guy Ritchie at the forefront directing i was expecting. That was the only sad bit that it wasnt Ritchie enough but i dont think it needed it as a true remake, it just went we are doign Aladdin & we are doing it properly, no gimmicks no messing around we are doing this true.
Every single actor was on point & gave a stunning performance. Naomi’s Jasmin did outshine Menas Aladdin but thats probably because she wasnt just a disney princess in distress & knew what she wanted in life. Her new song was good too. Im not saying Mena was bad he was good too but he had to very much be Aladdin which we all know & love & didnt have the wings to grow.
So now we talk about Will Smith & this Genie. Will has sat there & gone i have big shoes to fill & its been an honour to play this part. & he made it his own. He really did. Considering how much pressure he had to get this right he really did. I love how he is just floating about, his singing making it a bit more hip hop that normal was good. HE comic timing was on point & he just had phenomenal cosmic powers in a little biddy living space. Robin would be proud sir you have done good (also the bit when they do the rewind is good much like the made you look bit). He filled the lamp really well.
Also shout out to everyones favourite Voice actor at the moment Alan Tudyk who took over Iago some of those parrots one liners were amazing. Also well done Billy Magnussen, he had a lot of people going we cant have a white man in Aladdin, but it worked & he was comedy gold when he turned up.
I cried. Im sorry but i did. You all cry at this point now in the cartoon because of what it means & i knew it was coming & i was like nah nah nah your fine girl & then it happened & is it happened the tears came. Darn you disney. Stop making me cry. I’m going to be an emotional wreck at Mufasa in a few months time. I could hear a few other people trying not to cry as well, because they felt it too. I kinda want to say what it is but im sure working back from this review you can work out what it was.
Jafar oh sexy Jafar hmmm hmmm. He was good. Didnt use as many powers as a sorcerer as i wanted him too, or with this staff. But when he did he was menacing & evil & i loved it & how he was paranoid the entire time was brilliant. A brilliant way to bring more of that character to life.
Not sure the impending constant trying to have a war with everyone worked. I know we needed a reasons for him to have power but nah that felt a bit much especially when it doesnt really pay off a t all.
Every song was well sung & produced especially the new one. The dance bits too & the parade to accompany Prince Ali were good.
The staggering of Aladdin’s house(can we call it a house its more a rood with a marquee oh well lets call it a house) & the rest of Agrabah were so beautifully created & styled & filmed. The bit in the snow did make me feel cold too.
Well Disney if this is how good Aladdin in how good is the Lion King going to be? have we put out eggs in the lion king basket too early? I think we may have. This is an absolute masterpiece & word will get around & more people will go & see it & make it stunning.
Thank you Disney for this gift of a film. It just delivers on every single note.
Genie Your Free.