I need to apologise.
This website has not been working properly for me in the last couple of weeks. Today 12 Feb is the first time ive got access to it in over 16 days. & i know i have a lot of typing up so if my intros suddenly go from lots of details to not much at all on my cinema club once, its because i was writing introductions before everything went to crap. Thanks Jack for sorting everything out for me so i can be back here & writing.
Im going to try & get as many reviews done as possible today.
I was meant to watch A Man Called Otto at an advanced screening the week before. However i was dying, i mean i wasnt but i was off work sick coughing spluttering & in lots of pain. So i didnt go so this was my first proper trip out after i felt a bit more like Emile. So im looking forward to this. It looks like a sweet little comedy.
I cant tell you what the trailers were or how many people there were (there were a lot tho) but i know that Joel was looking good for the last of us. He really was.
& then the film started… & it was not the film i was expecting to see, it was so much better.
Theres a point in actors careers where you see trailers & then their work & you go ahh your doing this because its nice sweet & safe & you can give a solid performance in it to prove your still good. Tom Hanks has been doing that a little lately & i thought this was going to be another example of this. Oh how wrong was i. Theres a reason why Tom Hanks is the worlds greatest actor & this film proves it. Absolutely amazing performance, funny, sweet, emotional & caring & all the subject matters he deal with which just would occur in day to day life, its perfect. Hes still got it & he is a triumph.
The flash backs were strong & so clever & explained a lot about his character & i really felt for him & why he was like how he was. A creature of habit & with one purpose. I saw a lot of my Grandpa & my Granddad in his portrail of an aging man & how he dealt with things in earlier life & then now. Its how they did it & how they would do it now. It made me shed a few tears. I bloody miss them both. I dont say that enough & i should bloody do.
& then half way through Act 2 out of nowhere comes possibly the quote of the year already. He sitting there having afternoon tea with his friend & hes talking about his wife & the says. My life was black & white & then i met her & the world filled with colour. FUCK YOU MOVIE!!! Dont just throw that in & make everyone in my screening gasp. No dont do that no no no. Bastard! Absolutely beautiful. I shed tears i really did. I also cried at the bit before the end, which then the end because your already emotional you sniffle through too. just keep breaking my heart movie cheers.
All of the supporting cast were so good. Other than the main family he befriends, who are hilarious & just perfect, everyone is given enough development in character for you to care the right amount about them & then how they all come together for the show down at the end, its amazing. IT depicts modern life for so many different people correctly. Everyone feels represented in this movie. Theres a trans person in this film & they talk about their outing but like its matter of fact & its just accepted. & i welled up. I got home & messaged Nate straight away saying i wanted to Hug them & that this film shows the good in people & how everyone should just be accepted. I think i cried as i typed it & the virtual hug i got back through my phone the next morning was what i needed from him. Its the little things in life that people do that make the biggest difference.
There is a triggering theme that i didnt know about in this film, which is actually a big part of it & im so glad its shown & discussed. Some of you will go no this films not for me if it about this subject matter, but it is so important to show it. I dont really want to tell you about it, because i want you all to experience it & have a conversation about it.
I laughed a few times at places i expected & places i didnt. IT was fun but it wasnt a HAHAHAHAHA laughter track. You laughed because you would laugh at that in real life.
Also a good use of social media in a film that wants to be taken seriously. I liked that.
It was very emotional & beautiful & exactly what i needed to watch. I left feeling very overwhelmed & needing a hug, but also with a smile on my face. It just worked & i thourghly recommend this film, even with its triggers to you all. Its a snuggle of a movie.